Home Technique Longshui Gorge

Longshui Gorge


Looking up to the wall, the sky is slight, and people are fainting and unknown. It can be said that Guanlong Water Gorge is seam, can know the geological changes in millions of years. The concentrated essence of the Dream Dragon Water Gorge Canyon Landform, 4 kilometers long, the mountain road bend is bent in the green trees, the creek flies, the quiet Longshui Gorge is quiet, and people can listen to the heartbeat. People walk in the plan, the water is flowing on the foot, the water is trend, and the rock is absent, or urgent or slow. In the bottom of the valley, look up at the sky, the peak circuit, the far tree is white cloud, and there is no feeling of the dark blue. Going over the water and wet, warm, jade, trekking dust early, the smoke is disappeared, the exhausted body and mind are there, and they will feel refreshed into the top of the five internal organs. This is probably a purification ...

Dragon According to an important part of the Water Gorge Titting Canyon, "Wulong Caster" World Natural Heritage Local, located in the imaginary mountain town of Wulong District, 15 kilometers from the county town. The stitch is a typical karst-placed landscape for millions of years ago. The canyon is 5 kilometers long, the tour is about 2 kilometers, the valley is 200--00 meters, the scale is grand, and the magnificent is magnificent. The scenic spot is exquisite, beautiful scenery. It is characteristic of the landscape of the gorge deep wall, the original vegetation, the waterfall flow, and the ruthenium. The Galaxy Falls, the 18th Tan, the Nine Ban, and the dragon Han Gum is a landmark landscape. The mountains, mountains, canyon, and flow in the scenic area constitute a perfect landscape. The landlord can gorge, the landscape, the wall is standing, looking up, the blue sky, the peak is clouds, plus the waterfall flow, Tan Ziqing, Cui Bao Po, Mao Lin swaying, 徜徉 中, 绝,, 穴, split point, shoal , Collapse, waterfall, spring water, cave and other geological sites and other geological sites. Longshui Gorge is a better eco-tourism and adventure tourism scenic area. The ground has been perfect, and the tourist elevator, the parking lot, the reception hall have been built. The scenic spot pays attention to environmental protection in construction, has created good results left after the construction of the scenic spot, and has been praised by environmental experts and tourists.

Scenic Area Description

Longshui Gorge Fangtang (3)

Geological Wonders - Wulong Stitch. Wulong Trock Scenic Area, located 15 kilometers away from the county town in Fairy Mountain Town, Wulong District It is a typical karst appearance, which is a typical karst. It is 5 kilometers, the canyon is 200-500 meters, and the scale is grand, the magnificent is magnificent, the canyon has the characteristics of male, dangerous, junquinations. . The mountains, mountains, canyon, and flow in the scenic area constitute a perfect landscape. Wulong land seams, wearing a hole in the middle, and is consisting of three sections of the Grand Gorge. The cliffs of the canyon are killed, the rocks are dangerous, the vegetation is dense, and the land is extremely narrow. Some can only pass people, look up, first-line, the first-line, the flourish, spring waterfall, fidewall; The hole is grand, the bell milk is covered, and there is underground lake. Wulong Stizzy is a good ecological tourism and adventure tourism scenic area.

Transportation Path

Self-driving route: Chongqing - 渝 涪 highway -319 National Highway

Longshui Gorge

1, Yiyi Expressway (120 km) Changhai Expressway (68 km along the Yangtze River Highway) Wulong.

2, in September 2009, Xiangxiang Expressway opened, Chongqing to Wulong's full speed, car time to arrive at 2 hours.

Train: Chongqing North Station South Square 8 shuttle bus, 24.5 yuan / person.

Automobile: Nanping four kilometers long-distance bus station rolling the departure, 60 yuan / person.

Wulong District Bus Station 7: 00-17: 00 has a shuttle bus to the Town Visitor Reception Center, the fare is 9 yuan, the journey is about 40 minutes.

Note: Go to Longshui Gorge Siting Area to take a transfer car in the Fairy Town Visitor Reception Center.


County 4 Star Hotels - Yuba Garden Hotel, 3 Star Hotel - Hongfu Hotel, Xie Yuli Amber Resort,

There is a 5-star hotel-built-in-hairy hotel, the first intangible cultural heritage. Grade-building - School Hotel, and farmhouse is available for booth.


Mutton soup pot, Yangjiao tofu dry, Wujiang fish, special farmhouse

Ticket price

Price: March -10 Month: 115 yuan / person, November - February: 85 yuan / person. (Tickets include 35 yuan transfer fares)

Note: Free tickets must purchase 35 yuan of transit cars in the Fairy Mountain Town Visitor Reception Center.

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