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Memory refers to the appearance of things over the past perceived not appear before, in the mind is still able to reproduce the image of things.

Memory Image is the process of perception of reality by an object or phenomenon obtained. Memory representation in close contact with perception, perception mapping the richer, more diverse representation of memory; but essentially different perception there mappings, perceptual image of the thing itself is a direct cause of, and memory image often caused by other things, particularly those caused by the action of related words. For example, an old friend working in the distance, when received and read a letter from him, the image of old friends and study together the scene will appear in the mind.

representation is a form of memory contents. According to data speculation of the study, the proportion of language information and image information in a person's memory is 1000, we can see the appearance of a great amount of information that make up part of the total memory information.

have the appearance of different types can be divided into a visual, audible, tactile, kinesthetic like appearance. It may be a single representation, such as visual appearance, and other auditory representation; but is usually integrated, which is as a result of the interaction of the different analyzers in the perceptual process. For example, both the sound of foreign words when recalling an auditory representation, there are letters of visual representation.



Memory Image generated in perception, is formed on the basis of past perception on and keep in mind things an image, so it Like perception, but also the image of its basic characteristics. Emotional impressions of representation are objective things, it is intuitive and concrete. For example, when we remember someone secondary school teachers, the teacher smiles, conversation image will emerge in the brain, as if in front. However, due to the appearance of things memory is not reflected in the eyes, and thus it is compared with some differences of perception and representation, memory image is better perceived as distinctive appearance, integrity and stability, it is more vague, dim, fragments and unstable. Some children after observing one thing, in short, can form abnormal distinctive appearance, can continue to "watch" for the appearance. For example, some children to see a very rich picture, after half a minute to draw away, then asked to describe what children can see, the results of most of the children or do not see anything, or description could not be clearer. But some children describe very clear, and even say some details on the picture. In another example, when some students to recite the text, the book has a distinctive appearance, as if looking at the same book reading. Such a phenomenon called eidetic image is part of a phenomenon unique to children, usually to adolescence disappeared. Our psychologist Linchuan Ding and other studies have shown that our children eidetic like appearance frequency of approximately 22% to 33%.


Memory Image from the perception of things, it is often times perceived overall result is the same object multiple times impression summary linked. The same object or similar objects in our lives many times perception, leaving only the general impression in the appearance of these things, and individual characteristics of things disappeared. For example, in our minds the trees, houses, mountains and so it is no longer a specific tree, a house, a mountain, but a general summary trees, houses, mountains. But appearances are summarized limited external image, which mixed with the essence and accidents of things, it has not yet reached the level of abstraction of thinking, basically perceptual stage; general thinking reflects the essential nature of things, is rational understanding stage. However, the representation is the basis of the essential characteristics of things general, it is considered that appearances are aware of the middle part of the process of transition to abstract thinking process.


representation in mind is not solidified immobile intelligence can be operated. Representation may be in the minds of analysis, synthesis, can zoom in, zoom out, can be transplanted, can be reversed. Because of the appearance of a workable, image thinking, creative thinking, imagination becomes possible.


infantile hysteria

hysteria in children is caused by psychological factors means that no organic disease based on physical and mental symptoms, usually caused by past perception some events over the reproduction in the brain cause seizures. In the psychological development of children's tolerance to external events is extremely low, usually easy to resolve the situation of displeasure will become a stimulus to form a strong memory image. This memory image on the central nervous system, causing a variety of psychological problems in children. Memory is divided into declarative memory and non-declarative memory into two categories, non-declarative memory is the memory of fear conditioning and trauma formation of recurrent traumatic experience.


badminton tournament today with a fast ball speed, rotation violent tactics and changing the characteristics of the athletes not only have the same good quality with other athletes, but also must have many special qualities, such as fine grip strength, action time sense of space and main memory joint appearance capabilities. High-level athletes not only good sense of the ball, and its wrist action memory capacity or, on the one hand is the reason athletes innate wrist Movement Memory Image capacity is like, they are able to form a sense of the ball in a very short period of time, and more consolidation , achieve a high level; on the other hand is the result of long-term systematic training. After a long technical training athletes, the Perception various analyzers have been developed to enhance the memory capacity of its wrist action, which is the main condition cultivate a sense of the ball. The higher the skill level badminton player, wrist action, the stronger the memory representation capability, which also feel the ball better; conversely, the better sense of ball badminton player, the wrist Movement Memory Image capacity as possible.


Memory Image is awareness on the middle part of the development chain, is thought to bridge the transition from the perception, because of the memory representation of human knowledge will it be possible to get rid of perception, through abstraction, provide a basis for thinking that perception transition to thinking that perceptual knowledge to rational knowledge. Representation of knowledge is an important part of learning. Knowledge can be divided into perceptual knowledge and rational knowledge. The main content is the appearance of perceptual knowledge, rational knowledge is the main content of concepts, principles. Knowledge stored in the brain in the form of majority representation arise. According to the study speculated that the proportion of information and language information of the image of the human brain is about 1000: 1. Most people's knowledge of the content that appears in the form of representation, knowledge representation and therefore is an important part of learning.

Memory representation is the basis of imagination. Imagine the human brain is the appearance of the existing processing and transformation process of creating a new image, I can not imagine there is no appearance of activity.

Memory representation is the basis of student learning, students must be widely used memory image to understand and acquire knowledge, can continue to move forward and improve in learning; on the contrary, it will result in slow learning. According to studies, there are a lot of poor academic performance in school is the lack of ability to observe, too little mind storing appearance's sake. As a teacher, to help students get rich appearance reserves is a very important thing.

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