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Michael Moale


Michael Moore was born in New Zealand North Island Bay of Plenty region of a town Whakatane. He followed the family moved to Auckland, and access to primary education there. But later returned to the Bay of Plenty.

After leaving school, Moore had made construction workers, meat processing, printing plant workers.

Michael Moore actively involved in union affairs. At the age of 17 he was elected to the Auckland union members, which later became the union and Labor Party is very linked to his foundation.


In the 1972 election, Michael Moore's success in Auckland Mount Eden constituency to win, to only 23 years of age was elected to New Zealand's youngest members. Among his three-year tenure, he served as spokesman for the Labor Party housing affairs, regional development, environment, tourism and a series of transactions.

But in the 1975 election, Robert Muldoon led National Party won an overwhelming victory, Moore also lose their constituency. Since then, he moved to Christchurch and back again to win the parliamentary election in 1978 as the Christchurch District Constituency Member of Parliament.

1984 years David Lange led the Labor Party to victory in the general election. Michael Moore election that is taking office as minister of foreign trade, followed between Minister of Foreign Affairs, a term also used to keep a close watch over the affairs of hosting the America's Cup.

The Labor government has been controversial because of its rich economic policy has been the opposition's attack. When he was finance minister Roger Douglas is a famous free market and monetarist doctrine, he launched the privatization of state-owned assets, including reducing agricultural subsidies and reduce trade barriers and a series of aggressive financial policy (later known as New Zealanders Roger economy, Rogernomics) won the support of left-wing Labor Party, but Labor's traditional supporters, the union has expressed strong opposition. Although Moore is the union was born, but he also tends to support Roger Douglas.

A year later, due to the constant pressure, eventually leading to prime minister David Lange lifted the duties of Roger Douglas, but this also makes his position under threat of Iran. In secret meetings conducted in the Labor Party, most members unanimously supported to make Roger Douglas returned to the Cabinet, direct representation within the party no longer supports the Prime Minister, leading to Rangiroa forced to resign and was replaced by Geoffrey Palmer.

But Palmer is not welcome by most New Zealanders, some of the claims that he put too much focus on the legal matters, and his pedantic style of a lot of people think he has the distance and the general public.

In 1990 the Labor Party to win an election, the election eight weeks ago to Michael Moore replaced Palmer. In brief Prime Minister Moore career, and there is no time to make any decision. (Pre-election parliament has been dissolved). Eight weeks after the election, he was defeated by the National Party James Brendan Bolger led, Moore became the opposition leader.

In 1993, Helen Clark took over the Labor Party leader Michael Moore's office. Although he soon became the Labor Party's foreign affairs spokesman and the law, but he believes his party has been working for many years for their unfair treatment.

He retired from Parliament in 1999. From then on he became interested in trade issues, and WTO Director-General took office in the same year.

WTO Director-General

Because Michael Moore and engage in long-term trade-related work in parliament, he became part of the WTO Director-General candidate member countries supported. After a long debate, the final decision Moore and Dr. Supachai Panitchpakdi sub-six-year term of the Director-General (three per person).

But shortly after taking office Moore found himself in trouble. In 1999, the WTO Ministerial Conference held in Seattle attracted a large number of protesters, police used tear gas and a series of measures to disperse the crowd. The protesters then began to carry out sabotage, many businesses of glass was smashed. This eventually led police to lose control of the situation, and directly led to the postponement of the day of the meeting.

In the evening Seattle Mayor Paul Schell declared a curfew the next day, police arrested more than 600 protesters. The demonstration makes the local lost at least 18 million US dollars turnover, and caused property damage of at least $ 3 million.

anti-globalization campaigners him as an object of hatred, but poor handling demonstrations Moore makes a lot of members in the organization of their ability skeptical.


The total term of office of the Director-General Michael Moore ended August 31, 2002. A year later, he was appointed head of the United Nations Global Migration Board (Global Commission on International Migration) is.

Michael Moore is now located in the Latrobe University of Melbourne associate professor, but also "the Australian Business Review," the columnist.

People died

2020 February 2, former New Zealand Prime Minister, former WTO Director General Mike Moore died at the age of 71 years.

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