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Military industry

Weapons Product

including weapons industry, aviation industry, ship industry, electronic industry, nuclear industry, aerospace industry. The main products are guns, ammunition, tanks, military vehicles, military aircraft, military ships, military electronic equipment, rockets, missiles, military aerospace equipment, nuclear weapons and military equipment and so on is clothing.

development history

defense industry development level is directly related to the degree of modernization of military weapons and equipment. Defense industry with the development of science and technology progress and large industries to form and develop.

As early as the end of primitive society, there have been weapons production. In ancient times the production of weapons and equipment is based handicraft foundation. Ancient Greece, Babylon, Egypt, there are government-run or private manufacture of warships and weapons workshops.

Middle Ages, in Western Europe there are a certain division of manufacturing weapons, armor workshops. Industrial Revolution began in the 1960s the 18th century, provides a new material and technical basis for the manufacture of weapons. With the rise of the steel industry and machinery manufacturing, defense industry gradually established. The mid-19th century, the British established a factory specializes in manufacturing guns, ammunition and warships.

19 century to the First World War, a large number of new science and technology to be applied to the military field, the emergence of radio transceivers, TNT explosives, ammunition, dual propulsion system submarines, aircraft, chemical agents, tanks, so that kind of weapons increased, unprecedented increase power. Some capitalist countries for export of capital, plunder resources, aggression and expansion needs, strengthen the production capacity of weaponry, defense industry proportion in the industry rapidly. In 1917, workers directly engaged in military production accounted for the proportion of the total number of workers: Germany 58.3%, Russia 76%, France 57%, Italy 64.2%, UK 46%, US 31.6%. During World War I, the main belligerent aircraft produced a total of more than 18 aircraft, artillery about 150,000, machine guns, 1,000,000 shells 1 billion hair, tank 9200.

Second World War, the defense industry was a great development, 1941 to 1944, the main belligerent average annual production of about 91,000 tanks, aircraft 130 000, 350 000 artillery, machine guns, 166 ten thousand. During World War II, Nazi Germany invented the missile, the United States invented the atomic bomb, in 1946 the United States successfully developed the first computer. This allows military technology and combat style, the occurrence of strategy and tactics, military organizational structure, military thinking and other major changes, but also brought great impact on all aspects of social life.

After World War II, although there is no outbreak of a new world war, but the war still exist, local wars breaking out, especially superpower arms race, which greatly stimulated the development of the defense industry, such as the United States to participate in defense research and production of industrial enterprises accounted for more than 1/3 of the total number of industrial enterprises; a number of large-scale Soviet military industrial enterprises, and administration system. Characteristics of the World is the development of defense: technically, with rockets, missiles, nuclear weapons and their means of delivery as the center, the gradual emergence of a precision-guided, jet propulsion, automatic control, electronic warfare, stealth, bionic, laser, ultrasonic, remote sensing, many new aerospace and other fields; in terms of new materials, new technology and so on, there are many new breakthroughs in weapons development, testing and production of the emergence of a new look. Development of science and technology, the defense industry structure changed significantly, the proportion of high-tech industry has increased considerably.

China's ancient handicraft manufacture of more advanced weapons. Xia, Shang bronze age has metalworking workshop to produce Ge, spears, knives, axes and other weapons, have been skilled craft exquisite. Spring and Autumn Period has mastered iron smelting technology, the emergence of iron weapons. After the Qin Dynasty, iron weapons gradually replace copper weapons, and the emergence of institutions specialized in the manufacture of weapons. 1860s and 1990s, to maintain the feudal rule of the Qing Dynasty, strengthen military power, through Westernization has launched a number of military factory (innings), there have been a number of weapons and equipment manufacturing organizations.

Republic of China period, the national government's defense industry has little development, before and after the establishment of People's Republic of China in 1949 received 68 military factories, capable of producing armaments and ammunition; revolutionary bases and liberated areas also established some simple equipment factory guns, Ordnance factory, and other ordnance repair shop. After the founding of People's Republic of China, the defense industry has been rapid development;

1950, the Kuomintang government left to the liberated areas of military factories and military factories to adjust transformed into 72 new military factories, workers about there are 9.3 million people, engineering and technical staff of about 1,900 people;

1953 May, China and the Soviet Union signed the "Union of Soviet socialist Republics on government assistance to the central people's government of people's Republic of China in the development of China's national economy in Moscow Agreement ", the provisions of the Soviet Union to help China built and rebuilt 156 projects, of which about one third is the defense industry projects, including guns, ammunition, tanks, artillery, aircraft and other factories, but also began to study missile weapons;

Military industry

1960, the Soviet Union suddenly tore up 600 contracts, the withdrawal of all the experts, China's economy and defense industry caused great difficulties. The early 1960s, China adopted "adjust, consolidate, enrich and improve" approach, the defense industry out of trouble, embarked on the path of independent development, we have made great achievements: in October 1964, the first atomic bomb explosion success ;

1966 October conducted missile tests of nuclear weapons;

1967 In June 2009, the first hydrogen bomb explosion success;

1970 In April 2009, successfully launched the first artificial Earth satellite; conventional weapons development have also made significant progress; computer, semiconductor, laser technology has started. The mid-1960s to the mid-1970s, a large-scale "three-wire" construction, improve the strategic layout of China's defense industry.

Since 1978, under the guidance of the policy of reform and opening up, China's defense industry has entered a new period of development. According to the characteristics of domestic and international situation, re-emphasized that "military and civilian, peacetime and wartime" approach, requiring defense industry obey the overall situation of national economic construction, to ensure military production tasks at the same time, large scale production of civilian, part military technology to civilian use . Although China has established a relatively complete defense industry, but compared with developed countries, regardless of skill level or production capacity are still a large gap. Given China's economic situation, China's defense industry development focused adhere to the principle of the very limited funds used are most needed; followed independence in the development of weapons and equipment, capabilities, and gradually improved, gradually increase principle.

In the 21st century, with the development of national defense science and technology, China's defense industry has made great progress, the old defense industrial base and gradually be transformed by new technology, high-tech construction projects has increased, production of military technical content continues to increase, conversion work further in-depth, structure and size of the defense industry is becoming more rational.

different characteristics

The main task of the defense industry is the production of weapons and other military equipment. Weaponry is a special consumer goods, direct purpose is to protect the needs of the military, which determines the defense industry and civilian industry has different characteristics compared to:

① countries play an important role. National defense industry production planners, and defense industry products to consumers, defense industry and consumer products are generally direct orders by the military.

② capital and technology intensive. Establish defense industry and production of weapons and equipment require huge investments in the defense industry in general, with the most advanced science and technology and more technological talents.


③ and expensive production costs. Alternating

④ peace and war has a direct impact on the planning and production of the defense industry. Peacetime military demand for small, high demand during the war.

⑤ high security, more stringent management.

⑥ major companies in strategic depth and more dispersed areas, in order to ensure safety during the war.


With the changes and update the progress of science and technology weaponry and defense consumption structure, the main trend in the development of defense are:

① under the new technological revolution and promote high-tech competition, many countries continue to adjust the industrial structure, develop high-tech industry, focusing on the development of electronics, aerospace, new materials industries, the defense industry structure in order to consume a large amount of manpower, materials, energy-based the conversion of traditional to high-tech-oriented industrial structure.

② transformation of the traditional defense industry, mainly through the vigorous development of electronic technology, automatic control technology and a variety of flexible technology to transform the traditional production process, reduce costs and improve tactical and technical performance of military, defense industry enterprise management also means toward efficient and scientific direction.

③ deepen civil-military integration, integrating the armed forces, and technically by expanding universal military and civilian, the degree of standardization, promoting the development of the national economy, enhance the mobilization of wartime military production potential. ④ international joint development, jointly developed by the military, development, strengthen international economic and technological cooperation.

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