Home Technique Military logistics

Military logistics

Military Logistics Concept is from logistics in commercial sectors.

1915, US marketing scholar Achi _ Xiao first proposes the concept of physical distribution, is considered to be the early logistics concept.

In 1929, Famous Marketing Johor Fu Ryd_Krack defines marketing to include various activities including logistics, which enables logistics activities to the theoretical height.

In 1935, the US Sales Association further expounded the logistics concept. After the Second World War, the concept of physical distribution was gradually systematically and universalized in the United States.

In October 1956, the physical distribution concept was passed into Japan by the United States and derived the concept of "the circulation of things".

Military logistics

In June 1979, the concept of "the circulation of things" was introduced to China by Japan and further evolved into "logistics". In 1985, the US National Logistics Management Association was renamed with modern logistics concept instead of physical distribution.

in 1994, the Chinese People's Liberation Army officially put forward the concept of "military logistics".

The military logistics activity is far from a long time. In the early war, military logistics activities are simpler. The materials guaranteed are mainly grain, weapons, armor, etc., military settings specialized food departments, but the warehouse scale is small, and the facilities and equipment are simple and backward. Based on human, land transportation and water transportation. Military Jia Sunwu in the "Grand Soldier", the law of the soldiers, the car thousands of horses, letters, thousands of thousands of thousands of killocks, "can be seen as the earliest Chinese in the ancient" military logistics " Discussion. Since then, with the continuous expansion of war scale, all kinds of weapons and equipment are constantly updated, the material consumption of battlefield has gradually increased, and the scope and content of military logistics activities have also taken a deep variation. In particular, enter the 20th century, the mechanization war has expanded the battlefield sharply, and the battlefield consumption is doubled. It has put forward higher requirements for military logistics, and transportation tools such as automobiles, transport planes, trains, pipelines are gradually boarding the historical stage, and the scale of warehousing is increasing. The facility equipment is integrated, and the reserve materials are increasingly growing.

During the Second World War, in order to meet the requirements of military materials protection, the US military applies advanced management methods such as operation and development to military logistics activities, and the procurement, transportation, warehousing, distribution of military materials. Coordinate arrangements and comprehensive management, thereby improving the overall level of military logistics management.

After the 1990s, military logistics is further developed in mutual learning from local logistics, and gradually enters the rapid development period, military container, standardized tray, automated three-dimensional warehouse More and more common, bar code technology, radio technology, global positioning system, geographic information system, electronic data exchange, etc. are widely used in military logistics.

Military logistics uses system engineering ideas and integration philosophy, with global planning, accurate calculation as the core, and integrates the work links, functions, functions of military logistics activities, and integrated into modern information technology as support , Interconnect the specialization of the overall operation. Military logistics provides a contradiction between the quantity, quality, time, and space of the forces users in the right quantity, appropriate quality of military materials. The military logistics system is roughly divided into three levels of decision-making layers, management and execution. The decision-making layer is mainly composed of headquarters material reserves, military materials transportation departments, military logistics technology departments, military logistics information departments. Management is mainly composed of the aquarium material reserve department, military materials transportation department, military logistics technology department, military logistics information department. The execution layer is generally composed of a transport unit, a military warehouse, a pipeline troop. Military logistics system construction mainly includes the design and optimization of military logistics system; military logistics management and organization command; military logistics visualization; military logistics, third-party logistics; military logistics center planning and construction; military logistics demand prediction; military materials reserves optimization and distribution Guarantee; military logistics performance assessment; military logistics technology application; military logistics equipment and facilities construction. 1 Military. Military logistics goals are the purpose and standards of military logistics activities. The primary goal of military logistics is to meet military needs, military efficiency, and strive to achieve high unity of military efficiency and economic benefits. 2 Specialty of fluid. Military logistics fluids are different from civil products, including military materials and weapons and equipment. 3 confidentiality of action. The secret of military behavior requires the confidentiality of military logistics. Modern war has higher dependence on military logistics, exploding and destroying the other military logistics system has become the focus of the battle between the two sides, whether it is a war or usual, military logistics activities must be confidential. 4 Nonlinearity of demand. The demand for military logistics is mainly affected by the progress of war, showing stronger peak and nonlinearity. 1 The degree of integration of military logistics elements is increasing. The high integration of military logistics elements will cause military logistics to maximize horizontal, longitudinal integration and benefits. 2 Active, accurately distribute the leading. Military logistics is increasingly emphasizing active distribution, directly serving the forces users, ensuring that the unit users get all the supplies in time. 3 The degree of visualization will be higher and higher. Military logistics requirements establish a comprehensive visual military logistics information system such as military logistics support resources, safeguards, guarantee process, safeguarding location, and realize transparency and dynamic control of military logistics. 4 base protection becomes necessary. In order to meet the diversified and personalized materials, and considering the scale of military logistics guarantees, it is to provide the forces to provide the "delivery of home" distribution protection as a target, establish a military logistics base, will promote military logistics security entities Type to speed type, quantitative directional mass, dispersion type to scale. 5 Implementing military logistics integration is inevitable. Walking military and civilian combined, establishing military and civilian compatibility, military integrated logistics security system combined with warfare will become universal practices in countries around the world.

Publisher: China Military Encyclopedia Book Review Room

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