Home Technique MIS system

MIS system

noun Definition

MIS systems typically used for decision-making system, for example, can use the MIS system to identify urgent need to address the problem, and the information is timely feedback to upper management, so that they understand the current lack of progress or development work. In other words, the ultimate goal is to make the MIS system management company to keep abreast of the status quo, to grasp the future development path.


MIS (Management Information System --Management Information System) system, the person is a computer and other peripheral devices can be composed of information collection, transmission, storage, processing, maintenance and use of the system.

is an emerging science, whose main task is to maximize the use of modern computer and network communication technology to strengthen the enterprise information management, through the human, material and financial resources, equipment, technology and other resources of the enterprise has the investigation, to establish the correct data, processed and prepared in a variety of materials to provide timely information to managers, for the right decisions, and constantly enhance their management level and economic benefits. Corporate computer networks have become an important means of technological transformation of enterprises and improve enterprise management level. As my country with the world information superhighway practice, enterprises obtain information through computer networks will bring enormous economic and social benefits, corporate office and management companies will be in the efficient, fast, paperless direction .


A complete MIS should include: decision support system (DSS), industrial control systems (IPC), office automation system (OA) and database, model base, method base, knowledge base and an interface to exchange information with higher authorities and the outside world. Among them, especially office automation system (OA), with higher authorities and external application of information exchange so inseparable from the internet. Can be said that the modern enterprise MIS can not live without the Internet, but the establishment of the Internet and must rely on MIS architecture and hardware and software environment.

Web-based MIS system is an extension of the traditional concept of MIS system, which not only can be used for high-level decision-making, but also can be used for general business management. Named by logged-in user (or anonymous login), and the corresponding access control can be achieved in view of the distal end of the system, query, control and review. With the expansion of the Internet, existing companies and schools are no longer limited to a tangible physical reality of the region, the network itself becomes a space in fact development. In other words, "Being Digital" in the final analysis is the "network of survival", the network will become the most direct and most convenient tool for communication and exchange between people.

Web-based MIS system with conventional techniques similar MIS are different. The similarities idea of ​​technology; the difference is that the technology to achieve.


MIS system

traditional MIS system is the CS (Client / Server-- client / server) architecture, while the core Web-based MIS system is BS (Browser / Server-- browser / server) architecture . BS CS architecture than architecture has great advantages, the traditional MIS systems rely on a special operating environment, which means that the operator of the space is extremely limited; BS architecture and you do not need a special operating environment, in any place, as long as the Internet, it can operate the MIS system, which merits difference is self-evident.

Web-based MIS system, to make up for the shortcomings of traditional MIS system, fully embodies the characteristics of the modern era network. With the rapid development of network technology, Internet technology will become the new cornerstone of human society. Web-based MIS system will become a new generation of management information system of the Internet age, the outlook is very optimistic.

Data Access Control

Even after the legitimate user into the system, the extent of the use of resources and their use should also be subject to certain restrictions, to ensure the security of information in shared resources and reliable. The main system information to determine what the user through the data access control mechanism can under what conditions, what kind of operating system resources may be what extent the right. By data access control, on the one hand we can provide a lot of convenience to the user, both shared system resources, and will not interfere because of misuse of data outside the terms of reference; on the other hand can prevent illegal ultra vires thought.

Basic data access control method is rights granted certain operating specific user, i.e. the user authorization.


Data Encryption purpose is to prevent illegal copying of the storage medium, theft, eavesdropping and information transmission line is caused by leakage of confidential data, to the system using confidential data stored in encrypted confidential transmission and other security technology.

encrypted by the encryption and decryption system composed of two parts. Encryption is the information data can not be directly loaded into understandable form, decrypting the encrypted information is returned to the original data readable form.

Encryption technology is an active means of defense. Data encryption keys should be protected, otherwise, any encryption is meaningless. Many methods and algorithms for encryption, and decryption technology and its development are complementary and mutually reinforcing.

firewall technology

firewall is provided between two or more network security isolation, used to secure a local network resources, typically comprising a plurality of software and hardware portions a system. All the internal and external connections within the system are forcibly through the protective layer, a filter for inspection, only the granted communication is allowed through. Firewall as a shield outside the insulation system network, which is characterized neither interfere with the normal flow of information, while the outflow of that information is not strictly belong to the technology for controlling properties.


firewall technology is relatively clear on the border to protect the security of information networks and structures by maximizing the external shield. Implementation techniques firewall systems typically include packet filtering technology and agency services technology. Based packet filtering router technology, its principle is filtered by a packet router for IP packet selection, filtering out certain IP addresses are grouped according to specific guidelines for network security organization to protect the internal network. Agency services technology was developed by a high-level application gateway as a proxy server for external applications to connect to any network requests are first carried out a security check, then to the application server is protected network. Agent technology enables network inside and outside the two-way flow of information subject to monitoring.

A firewall is a passive defense technology. Because it is assumed that the network boundary and options, so it is difficult to illegal access to internal effective control. Firewall does not protect against attacks via the firewall can not prevent attacks human factors, and file transfer software can not prevent infection by the virus.


means that the behavior of intrusion detection, the security log or audit data or other information may be obtained through the operation, the system detects that an attempt to break into or break into . It collected information on a number of key computer system or network computer system and analyze, from which to find out if there is a violation of security policy and signs of attack a system or network.

IDS its classification data source can be divided in terms of a host intrusion detection (HIDS), and intrusion detection based network (the NIDS) based. HIDS detects intrusion by analyzing the behavior of a particular host on which the data source is typically the system audit log or behavioral data system and applications. NIDS typically by analyzing network traffic, network protocol packets and intrusion detection analysis, extraction mode / feature from a large number of network packets, and the corresponding analysis.

on the intrusion detection is divided into in terms of the anomaly detection and misuse detection. The anomaly detection abnormality detector body activity was observed, and then simulate the contours of these activities normal behavior, by comparing the current profile and the normal profile simulation to determine abnormal behavior, can detect unknown intrusion. Misuse detection technology established by the known intrusion misuse model, the current behavior of the user and the invasion of these models match, you can achieve rapid detection.

can be collected from a host-based intrusion detection host monitoring information so as to very fine particle size analysis of the behavior of the host, a process capable of accurate determination of the operating system and the user performing malicious acts.

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