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Mobile dream network


Monternet China Mobile to provide customers with a unified brand mobile data services. English is called Monternet, which means "Mobile + Internet". Monternet like a big supermarket, include SMS, MMS, mobile Internet (WAP), Gallery (mobile game), and other diversified information services.

"+ mobile open Internet", "Monternet" is made by the "Mobile" a combination of two English words (movement) and "Internet" (Internet), today two major areas of mobile communications and the Internet the perfect combination of mobile Internet is a worthy representative of China, on behalf of the "modern, stylish, efficient and innovative" brand personality, its meaning is "free Internet, unlimited communication."

Monternet simply put, is constructed by the operator mobile Internet platform. WAP mobile user's starting point.


In December 2000, China Mobile officially launched the mobile Internet services brand - "Monternet Monternet".

In October 2004 Monternet operations support center (Aspire Information) was established.

April 29, 2006, special activities Monternet Monternet information costs decreased by 50%.

May 13, 2006, the WAP user login prompt charges, Monternet number of users decreased by 50%, the monthly number of users dropped to 20 million.

2009 year moving Monternet months to reach 90 million users.

2019 Nian 12 Yue 20 officially outage.

Mobile dream network


To use the "Monternet (Mobile Monternet)" must meet the following conditions:.

1 supports the Chinese mobile phone short message function;

2 download music and pictures to be part of the service phone support;

3 to set short message sending a short message center number.


"Monternet (Mobile Monternet)" provides two types of services:

1, the Internet to mobile phones custom class service, users must log in appropriate website, become a registered user, and can be customized in need of services.

2, the mobile phone to the Internet on-demand type of service, the user must enter the service code to be in demand on the phone, enter the partner companies "Send number" in the "send" numbers, such as sending successfully, wait to receive a return message.


"Monternet (Mobile Monternet)" by the standard tariff for communications and information services costs composition. Communication fee charged by mobile companies, information service fee by the temporary move from monthly phone bill for collection partners. Phone to send text messages to receive communications costs 0.1 yuan /; when receiving text messages, free in normal state (cell phone to send the phone), booking class or on-demand type a short message containing information service fees (such as a scheduled service site offers stock a site or on-demand lottery information), should be charged according to the corresponding ICP / IP published price. Fee information please consult the appropriate standard tariff website service hotline.

Monternet business by billing system can be divided into categories by toll (i.e., on-demand type) and monthly class of two, wherein on-demand type services, fee-per-use, i.e. once a chargeback; monthly class of business to deduct the monthly natural month (chargeback date uncertain), within 72 hours free during the month as an initial order for 72 hours after charging, be collected only one time fee. Not the first time ordering, instant start accounting, such as this month repeatedly ordered only be collected once cost.

review conference, the upper limit of the total amount of customer spending Monternet M-Zone is 200 yuan / month, exceeding the month will not be able to use SMS business Monternet class; GSM customers use Monternet not the total spending limit. Tips: WAP, MMS category, IVR business class Monternet No limit total spending.


Monternet beginning of the new century is undoubtedly one of the great business model innovation, which contributed to save the Chinese Internet industry, the pace of development often the most daring predictions a conservative.

It is undeniable that, at the same time Monternet business at a rate of geometric growth, forced subscription, SMS trap, unsubscribe difficult, and many other complaints voices of disapproval, make this famous brand into disrepute.

----- 2005 PPTN

reference Baidu library : "Monternet ( Monternet) Introduction .ppt "

China mobile's Monternet mode is a typical mode SP / CP value-added business development, business model under the open value chain in the world CT / IT operators have a wide influence. This article describes the development path of China Mobile's business, Monternet value chain, core functionality Monternet Monternet system architecture and function modules.

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