Home Technique Harti Mountain

Harti Mountain

Geography Environment

Hart Mountain (7 photos)

According to the boundaries of the 1950s, Halti The mountains across Norway and the Finland border, most of the mountains are located in Finland, one of which is a lower ramp at sea level has become the highest point in Finland.

Gift Plan


2017 "Thousand Lakes" Finland will usher in to get rid of the 100th anniversary of Russia, in order to welcome this festive day, Norwegian government intends to Adjust the borders of the two countries and give the Hartham Top to Finland.

, Norway only needs to adjust 40 meters on the Norfin border line, you can give the peak of Harti Mountain to Finland, and the highest point in Finland will increase 7 meters.

The initiator

The initiator is a Geographic, Norwegian Government Consultant Harsson (BJ RN Geirr Harsson), and the 100th anniversary of Finland This incident has evoked him in the 1970s. Due to the confusion of the border settings when crossing the Harti Mountain.

Harson has pointed out the Norwegian media, the border of the two countries delineed in the 1750s, from the perspective of geophysics, the highest place is not a strict sense. Mountain peaks (just a slope). This is unfair to Finland.

The attitude of the parties

Norwegian Prime Minister Selberg said: "There are some forms of difficulties, I have not made the final decision, but we are studying this." / p>

Michael Tetzschner, Vice Chairman of the Norwegian Parliament Review, said this suggestion "headache", "seemingly joking", and emphasizes the Constitution to clearly prohibit the transfer of Norwegian part of the territory to another. "

Norwegian law expert Yvind Ravna also said that the Norwegian Constitution does not apply to small boundary adjustments, and he also points out that the border will change with the movement of the riverbed, the movement of Sand, island, etc. .

Hals' son launched the topic of "Harti Mountain Peak as Anniversary" on the social platform Facebook, appeal to "When Finland is one hundred years, re-writing its history and geographical textbook ". Tens of thousands of people have been praised.

The public's response is very positive in Norway or in Finland, the only objection from the indigenous Andre Sami community, because their reindeer freedom walks in the border between the two countries, they will Think "this land really doesn't belong to any country."

has been honorable

in April 2020, a "2020 World Summer List" is selected.

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