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Historical figures

Early Years

Nicephoros Legend has it that Christian Arabs - the offspring of the Kingdom of Jia Sani. At the time, Jia Sani people are called Gopsin or Gafna. He spent his early patriarch, the Cypriot family living in Central Anatolia stay Alicia Xi Dela (Seleucia Sidera, now Turkey 厄斯帕尔塔 province), after the Queen Irina promoted chief minister, Chancellor of the Exchequer , worship is one of the icons to send officials can be said to be more capable, a courtier qualifications.

ascended the throne as Emperor

Irene of Athens to the throne to women can not become emperor of Rome already vacant throne grounds, 800 AD Pope Leo III in Rome, announced the Frankish king Charlemagne as Roman emperor. Charlemagne tried marriage with the Byzantine Empress Irina side by side to solve the problem of two emperors, but Irina is considering the matter, its courtiers coup in 802 years, to arrest and exile.

October 31, more than 50-year-old Nicephoros nobility and eunuchs were crowned. 803, his son Staurakios (Staurakios) established as a rule by the emperor, son Mikhail Langa ratio (Michael Rhangabe) were called court Explorer ( Kouropalates ).


Nicephoros and no hereditary right to the throne, but fortunately in the Queen Irina's death and no one seems to have this right. He ascended the throne at the beginning was a military Anatolia (Greek: Άνατολικῶν; English: Anatolics) General Barda Nice (Bardanes Tourkos) led insurgency, crowned Irina reset. 803 years, the rebels swept through half of the empire, but Barda Nice after the defection of many department (including the later Leo V, Mikhail II) fails, sent to the monastery after the surrender and subject to punishment eye gouging. Later, the Minister of Justice ( quaestor sacri palatii ) Asa Virgin (Arsaber) tried to launch a palace coup proclaimed himself emperor, and sent to the monastery also see through.

lost ground

Nikephoros I adhere Irene of Athens plans to recover the Balkans after the swinger civil strife, on the basis of control with the Arabs, the Franks conflict, recover the occupied Balkans Slavs.

804 years Nicephoros Greece sent its general military recaptured from the hands of the West Peloponnese Slavs, and some of the Byzantines from Anatolia to Move Here, strengthened control over Greece. In 807 AD, Emperor Yu Jia foreign crusades, personally recaptured territory (that is now Bulgaria's capital Sofia) from Thrace to Sal bottom card.

Before the abolition of Nicephoros Irina contract with the Abbasid Empire, stopping tribute to Arabs and even request a refund tribute. In July 803, Caliph Harun Rashid led a force to attack Asia Minor, defeating Nicephoros army at the Battle carat sos (Crasus) 805 years in, and seized Heraclea (Heraclea in 806 years ) and Taie that (Tyana). Nicephoros three signed three breach of contract. 807 years, Harlan forced Nicephoros fourth conferences, requiring removal of a border fortress, pay war reparations 诺米斯玛塔 fifty thousand and thirty thousand and six on the altar 诺米斯玛塔 after year (which in addition to the original thirty thousand tribute tax, also includes poll tax levied on the emperor himself and each member of the royal family, cost six 诺米斯玛塔). But Nicephoros ultimately paid only to Harlan 多诺米斯玛 4000, and immediately repair the fort and fortress of the border, while the Arab Empire and later the attack failed, Harlan also died in 809 years.

In 803 ~ 808 years, Nicephoros the Frankish kingdom of Charlemagne signed a series of contracts, known as "Nicephoros peace treaty" ( Pax Nicephori ). Prior to 802, Charlemagne sent envoys to the Abbasid Empire, Charlemagne 803 years to win the Eastern Roman territory in Dalmatia, the two conflict. In Nikephoros I period, although not recognize the Roman emperor Charlemagne West, but in a certain period to maintain peace in the two big countries of Eastern and Western regions of Italy, the provisions of the Eastern Roman Empire controlled Venice, South Dalmatia Italy, the Franks and the control of Rome and Ravenna.


see entry: Battle of Pliska

Bulgarian Khan Krum invaded Saar bottom card in 809 years. In this case, the death of Caliph Harun Rashid, the Abbasid empire into chaos, Nicephoros decided to respond to the Bulgarian people.

In 811 AD, Emperor and Croom war. The Byzantine army defeated the Bulgarian army twice before, in the Bulgarian capital Pliska arson and looting, so that the Bulgarian army have time to plug the Balkan Mountains AD 811 July 26 as the Bulgarian exports, Nicephoros Krum besieged design Pass in the Balkan Mountains in. Bulgarian forces then wiped out the Byzantine army, Nikephoros killed. After this battle, Croom ordered to processing silver skull Nicephoros I, used to make glass.

Military Reform

repression of religious fanaticism

See entry: iconoclast movement

  1. Since the country iconoclasm and religious disputes Irina period lead to unrest, Nikephoros I in 806 on the appointment of officials who reconcile secular doctrine, the poor Constantinople Patriarchate appointed dean Nicephoros (ie Patriarch Nikephoros I, in any of the 806 to 815 years), not as an expression of icons destruction of school and inter-school worship icons stop position. Niki Frew

  2. Meanwhile, Nikephoros I against extreme factions of the economic base. He dares to make trouble confiscated land monastery, turning them into national commons. This made him resolute measures iconoclasm the only one large-scale confiscation of church property emperor.

Fiscal Reform

  1. Nikephoros I succeeded to the throne in the early days launched a series of Tax reform : cancel all exemptions Irina issued (including: capital of the public poll tax and business tax relief, Abby dos and other cities business tax relief, churches and monasteries accept the estate of inheritance tax relief and receive gifts the temporary income tax); re-economic census; the establishment of "stove tax" to replace the traditional poll tax and requirements, including the public, churches, monasteries, charities, and other tenants to pay all citizens; establish tax UNPROFOR mechanism for the land abandoned by the neighbors on behalf of the tax, after tax over 30 years neighbor's access to land ownership, in order to ensure the stability of the total amount of land tax.

  2. At the same time, he monopoly of the country's lending activities , the legislation prohibits private lenders charge interest, interest is fixed at 1/6. In addition, he forced Constantinople all the rich countries receiving 12 pounds (864 Naomi charisma, it was an ordinary worker or peasant earns in a year about 10 Economides Charisma) loans, in order to earn interest.

Nikephoros I of these initiatives greatly enhanced the public revenue, after the strong revival in order to provide strong financial support, but also lead to domestic discontent nobility.

Military Reform

See entry: military system

1. to establish a military-linked insurance system

long-term social unrest leading to social increasing poverty, to meet the sharp decline in the number of farmers soldier property needs of farmers, resulting in manpower nervous. Nikephoros I Tax Lien to establish a similar system of military-linked insurance system, namely a village if no one can reach the property claims of agricultural soldiers, out of the village by 18.5 Nomi charisma of money each year to feed a Agriculture soldiers, 10 countries recurrence Naomi charisma of their pay each year. Through this policy, the number of farmers make up a large number of soldiers, the Imperial military strength has been greatly enhanced, and the size of the army has been the Frankish Empire and Abbasid Empire can muster quite.

2. Agricultural soldiers of navy soldiers

Before Nikephoros I, sailors are recruited from coastal fishermen and rowers standing composed of sailors, Nikephoros ordered the sailors should be agricultural soldiers, up to a certain amount of land tenure, greatly enhance the combat effectiveness of sailors.

3. Promote a comprehensive military system

In order to strengthen the control of the Balkans, Nikephoros I in the Balkans to establish a series of new Military ( themata ​​i>). The establishment of the Macedonian military in 802 years to strengthen control over the western and northern Thrace. AD 809 years, but also in the Greek original Slavic territory established Thessaloniki, Kefalonia and all three military Lacy Weng. Around AD 810 years of the establishment of Dalmatia Military Region, the establishment of 811 military Peloponnese. The military, plus battle group ( Tagmata ​​i>, or the translation of the Byzantine Royal Guards regiment) newly created - Winner group ( Hikanatoi ), so that in the Byzantine Balkans the total number of troops increased by 10,000 people, to strengthen the defense of the border. Immigrants from Asia Minor settled soon again, so that the number of agricultural tax and Byzantine greatly increased, also strengthened the control of the Byzantine new irredentist.

Meanwhile, in the process, between Greek immigrants and native Slavs from the East broke out a lot of military conflict, such as the 805 years of the Peloponnesian Slavs besieged city of Patras. Similar conflicts throughout southern and central Balkans, the result is Greek prevail, the Balkans opened a "re-Hellenistic" (re-Hellenization) after a long process of Slavic.

family members

son: rule by emperors Staurakios also seriously injured in the Battle of Pliska, fled to Adrianople escorted remnant of throne as emperor, and take the chair back to Constantinople. But Staurakios paralyzed from the waist down, and had no children, was forced to give way to Mikhail Langa ratio. In January 811 died of gangrene.

Daughter: 普罗柯比娅 (Prokopia), married to Mikhail Langa ratio, after remaining years in the monastery.

son: Mikhail Langa than survive in the battle of Pliska, he began to give way from Adrianople persecuted Staurakios, and finally with 811 in October Constantinople coup, it became Mikhail. 813 was forced to abdicate in July and exiled to a monastery, and 844 died in January.

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