Home Technique Old sex lesion

Old sex lesion

Common Symptoms

Excision of the lungs

1, the heart should be boots, the heart is bullied, not as good as The heavy intensity is so flat, the heart is not increased; it can be mild, moderately increased or nothing. Increase the right ventricle, the right atrium is increased.

Old sex lesion

2, pulmonary pulmonary and pulmonary blood vessels: The pulmonary genus is not as good as the severe case, can also be straight or gently pillen, the lungs are still small, and the pulmonary vessels are still small.

3, upper septum shadow and arteries: and the intensiveness is similarly widened, and there may be a large artery.

Old macular levery

It is considered to be due to the neonatal blood vessels in the macular retina, which is from the choroid. The pathological changes are granulomatic inflammation. There are usually two types of macular disease. One is a dry macular levery, accounting for 90% of the total incidence, is due to an aging that occurs with age growth, and does not have fundamental bleeding and seepage, the disease progresses slowly, and the vision is gradually declined, and the harm is relatively small. . The most common symptoms are: blurred, unclear, need more lighting to distinguish details, with farther distance, distinguish other people's face is difficult. When the dry macular disease is further developed, the central vision will have blurred, develop over time, this part will become large, darkened, to lose central vision.

The other is 10% of the wet macular disease, which is due to abnormal blood vessel growth under the retina, and the blood vessels are broken, and the growth of scar tissue, so that the vision suddenly decreases, will quickly Severely affect the patient's central vision, and even loss of vision loss. The main symptoms of wet macular lesions are: the central vision is rapidly weakened, visual deformation, paper stroke, black shadow or blurred area in the visual center.

Treatment of macular disease: Drug treatment is invalid for macular lesions, laser photocoagulation is an effective method for treating macular lesions. In the event period, the lesion is located outside the macular center 1 / 4pd, which can be treated with laser treatment.

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