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Shantou City Transportation Bureau
Shantou City Transportation Bureau

main responsibilities (a) the implementation of policies, laws and regulations related to transportation work at national, provincial and municipal, drafting local regulations, draft regulations a...

Scottish enlightenment
Scottish enlightenment

Book information Brotudi: Jia Ning Publishing House: Zhejiang University Press Publication Year: 2010-11 Pricing: 52.00 yuan Frame: Pin-up Series: Enlightenment Study Research Translation...

Man listening to the park
Man listening to the park

Scenic Area Listening Park scenery (24 photos) Man listening to the park is the king of the king, called "Spring Huan", meaning For the "Soul Park", the park is only 2 kilometers away from the...


synonym, Siribers, general refers to the H2> Historical Historical Historical Historical Project in Sulawesi The earliest human residential traces of Sulawesi are Torra Stone culture, named the...

Nanjing Earthquake Science Center
Nanjing Earthquake Science Center

Development Introduction Science Pavilion Glocking (9) The predecessor of Nanjing Benchuan Seismic Station is the Beinee Court of the Original Central Research Institute Seismic table. There is...

Chen Yun Memorial Hall
Chen Yun Memorial Hall

Building features Chen Yun Memorial is based on the "Chen Yun's Empress" and the original "Qingpu Revolutionary History Exhibition Hall", with a total area of ​​52 acres, for a piece The more rule...


Profile Characteristics Fengwei Green birrel (61 photos) Fengwei Green birror is the largest body, body length 38-41 cm. Plus the tailpower for 70 cm long. Weight weight 180-210 grams. Its toes...

Wusong Railway
Wusong Railway

History 1872, the US vice consul in Shanghai Olivier Brad-upon-Avon has made "extraordinary road" built right, Wusong Road Company was founded. 1874 Nian 7 28, the British set up the Wusong Rail...

Hu Yang River
Hu Yang River

Synonym Hu Yanghe City generally refers to the Huyang River (Xinjiang municipality counting county) Historical Level Qin, a semina population. The first year of Han Di, for the moon people, afte...

Military logistics
Military logistics

Military Logistics Concept is from logistics in commercial sectors. 1915, US marketing scholar Achi _ Xiao first proposes the concept of physical distribution, is considered to be the early logist...

Westodo Harold Merman
Westodo Harold Merman

Synonym Meman general referring to the marrow Harold Merman Licheng Merman is born in Los Angeles City, his father is an electronic engineer, in his juvenile era Get income by helping universities...


Overview Sigiriya [1] is 170 kilometers from Angient City of Sigiriya, 170 kilometers north of Sri Lanka Capital, located at a "lion" of about 200 meters high. It is famous for the Wusiy...

Government portal
Government portal

Introduction In accordance with the "Notice of the General Office of the State Council on Printing and Distributing the Development of Government" (National Office [2017] No. 47), the go...

Do you mind playing?
Do you mind playing?

Songs Introduction In 1998, 15 "Allez Ola OLA" included 15 football songs from all over the competition. The official theme song is "I will kick you mind" and "The Cup of Life". The reason why "Th...

China Physics Society Static Technical Committee
China Physics Society Static Technical Committee

Development History In 1981, China Physics Society The Static Power Professional Committee was officially established by China Physics Society. In 1988, the China Physics Society The Electrostat...