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Underlying technology
Underlying technology

Introduction To explain the underlying technology, we must first start with the architecture of the window operating system. Window operating system itself belongs to the category of software, but i...

BrewMP operating system
BrewMP operating system

Qualcomm Brew MPThe Brew Mobile Platform (Brew MP) mobile operating system provides an attractive user experience for all grades of mobile phones, including entry-level smartphones. An operating syst...

Brew business platform
Brew business platform

Introduction BREW is the abbreviation of Binary Runtime Environment for Wireless. It is the development of value-added services based on the CDMA network "Wireless Internet Launch Platform" launched...

Electronic Frog Eye
Electronic Frog Eye

Introduction to the invention The bionician Locke invented the electronic frog eye based on the principle and structure of the frog eye. In modern warfare, the enemy may launch missiles to attack our...

Ternary linear equations
Ternary linear equations

Concept Containing three identical unknowns, the degree of the term containing the unknown in each equation is once, which is called a ternary linear equation system. In the system of equations, if...

Xie Yu (Sociologist, Member of the National Academy of Sciences)
Xie Yu (Sociologist, Member of the National Academy of Sciences)

Character experience In 1982, he graduated from Shanghai University of Technology (now Shanghai University) majoring in metallurgical engineering with a bachelor's degree in engineering. In 1984, he...

National Academy of Sciences
National Academy of Sciences

Development History On March 3, 1863, the former US President Abraham Lincoln signed a bill to announce the establishment of the National Academy of Sciences (United States, NAS) . At that time, the...

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Why Would People Subscribe To Newsletter

Why Would People Subscribe To Newsletter

Shortest path algorithm
Shortest path algorithm

Definition The shortest path problem is a classic algorithm problem in graph theory research, which aims to find the shortest path between two nodes in a graph (composed of nodes and paths) . The sp...


OverviewFunction name: fflushFunction: Clear the read and write buffer, when the data in the output buffer needs to be physically written immediatelyHeader file: stdio.hPrototype: intfflush(FILE*strea...

Field Service
Field Service

How to strengthen on-site service management? Usually field service management is a task-oriented transactional event. In a team with a large number of field service personnel, it is usually necessary...

Site management
Site management

DefinitionIncluding people (workers and managers), machines (equipment, tools, work station appliances), materials (raw materials), methods (processing, testing methods), environment (environmental ),...


IntroductionFTTH (FiberToTheHome)-Fiber to the home is the best mode for full-service, high-bandwidth access requirements so far. The development of FTTH mainly has two paths-active optical network an...

Fortius Split
Fortius Split

A split between the Eastern and Western Christian churches in the 9th century. In 858, the lay scholar Fotius was appointed Patriarch of Constantinople by the Byzantine Emperor Mikhail III to replace...

RFC2544 performance test
RFC2544 performance test

DefinitionRFC1242 performance test, calibration term for network interconnection equipment. Four tests are defined:throughput, delay, frame loss rate, back-to-back. Introduction to the RFC2544 protoco...