Home Technique Preston


Geographic location

Preston is located on the bank of the Rivers, England, is a city in northwest England and an administrative center in Lanka Summit.

Friendly City

Almerlow (Netherlands)

Lex Lingsen (Germany)

Nimes (France) < / p>

Calis (Poland)

Cape Town (South Africa)

Xining (China)

History Development

< P> The capital of the West, England, England, the capital of the Nishi County. On the banks of Liverpool Dongbei 48 km. The population is 125,000 (1983). The area is 144 square kilometers. The Tudor Dynasty is the mainland, and the trade is developed. In the late 18th century, it is a coal, cotton fabric and raw material trade center in Lancao County. Agricultural product distribution ground. Traditional industries are dominated by hair, hemp, cotton textile, modern industrial airplane, automobile, chemistry, synthetic fiber, printing machine, electrical appliances, etc., with the largest radiofala of the UK. transportation hub. There is an ancient architecture such as St. John's Church and the Roman Times Castle. Pu Ni Brum Czech city. 59 km from Prague Southwest. The population is 39,000 (1983). The development of the 14th century settlement, silver and lead mine. The industry is mainly based on lead, zinc, antimony, and uranium mines. There are an ancient castle near the 14th century. For the rest of the resort, tourism is developed.

In May 2011, May 2011, the invitation of the British Lanxia County Parliament, deputy secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Wang Jianjun, secretary of the Xining Municipal Committee, went to Lankeshire, United Kingdom, United Naterni Province Friendly visits to the city of Lanke County, Chairman of the British Lanxia County, Chairman, Ken Hudton, who made Ken Hudton, and the two sides jointly signed the letter of intentional books.

From March 20 to March 29, 2012, in the invitation of the Preston City Hall in the UK, 13 people went to UK to visit. On March 22, a city promotion meeting in Xining City was held. During the Delegation visited the British School Federation, the "Xining Municipal Education Bureau and the British School Association on the development of education exchanges and cooperation".

From December 16 to 20, 2013, the Qinghai Provincial delegation visited the UK at the invitation of Preston, England. On December 17th, Preston, Lanxia County, England, officially signed a concluding friendly city relations agreement.

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