Home Technique project type

project type


New project

refers to an item from nothing, "flat,", and newly started construction. Some construction projects have a small foundation. After expanding the construction scale, its newly added fixed asset value exceeds three times the original fixed asset value, and it is also a new project.

Expansion item

refers to the original enterprise, institutions, to expand the production capacity of the original product (or benefit), or add new product production capacity, and new main workshops or project.

Reconstruction project

refers to the original enterprise, in order to improve production efficiency, increase scientific and technological content, adopt new technologies, improve product quality, or change new product direction, for original equipment or Projects for transformation. Some companies add some attached, auxiliary workshops or non-productive projects to balance their production capacity, and also have to change their projects.

Relocation Project

refers to the original enterprise and institutions, due to various reasons to move to another project. If the relocation project is in line with new construction, expansion, and reconstruction conditions, it should be used as new, expanded or rebuilt projects. The relocation project does not include some parts of the original site.

project type

Recovery item

refers to enterprise, institutions due to natural disasters, war, etc., so that the original fixed assets are all scrapped, and in the future, invest in re-recovery according to the original scale. s project. At the same time, it is expanded, and it should be used as an expansion project.

Construction scale

Basic construction project can be divided into large projects, medium-sized projects, small projects; update renovation projects are divided into limited items, the limit below the item. Basic construction large and medium-sized projects are determined by the total scale or total investment of the project. The large and medium-sized projects are well known as large and medium-sized projects. New projects are calculated according to the entire design scale (capabilities) of the project (capacity) (total estimation); the expansion project is calculated according to the new design capacity or expansion of the expansion (expansion total budget), does not include the original production of the previous production ability. However, the size of the new project refers to the scale of construction specified in the approved feasibility study, rather than the long-term development scale envisaged by the vision plan. Clear staging design, installment, should be calculated according to the scale. Basic construction project large and medium-sized division standards, the state, the project, energy, transportation, and raw material industrial projects, more than 50 million yuan, more than 30 million yuan or more in other projects, below this standard For small projects.

National economy

1. Productive project, refers to projects directly for material production or direct material production services, mainly including industrial projects (including mining), construction, geology Resource exploration and related production projects related to farming water, transportation post and telecommunications projects, business and materials supply projects.

2. Non-productive projects refers to projects directly to meet the needs of people's substances and cultural life, including cultural and education, scientific research, social welfare, utilities construction, administrative organs and group office housing Construction and other projects.

Construction Process

1. Preparation Projects, refers to the construction projects that have not been started, and is conducting a construction project for the preparations for construction before the construction, planning, design.

2. Construction project, refers to the construction project of actual construction during the reporting period, including newly started projects during the reporting period. The previous period has been successfully built in the reporting period, which was previously closed and repaired in this period. Project, reporting period construction and project production or suspension in the reporting period.

3. Investment production project, referring to the designation period, forming a design-specified production capacity (or benefit) and put into use, including partial production projects and all putative production projects.

4. Take the project, refers to the completion of the production and organizational acceptance, the design capacity has been completed, but a small number of tail workers need to continue the construction project of sweeping.

5. Stopping the project, refers to the construction of the project in the planned period according to the requirements of the existing human property and the national economic adjustment.

Working phase

1. Pre-work items, referring to the project proposal, is doing feasibility study or preliminary design (or expanded design) project.

2. Preparatory project, refers to an approved feasibility study report and preliminary design (or extended design), and is undergoing construction to prepare for projects to be transferred to a formal plan.

3. New start project, refers to the construction preparation is ready, approved, and planned newly started construction during the reporting period.

4. Renewal project (including the reporting period built into production project), refers to the project that has begun before the reporting period, and the project will continue to be constructed in the reporting period.

Partition Relationship

1. Central Project, also known as a direct project. It refers to the construction project of enterprises, careers, and administrative units that are directly scheduled and managed by the central government. The basic construction plan of these projects is prepared, approved and down by the central administration department. The issues needed for the unified materials and main equipment and the problems existing during the construction process are directly supplied and resolved by the central administrations.

2. Local project, refers to the construction project of enterprises, undertakings and administrative units directly arranged and managed at all levels of provinces, municipalities, autonomous regions and land (city), counties. The basic construction plan of these projects is prepared by local competent departments at all levels, approval and deciding, and the required materials and equipment are directly supplied by local local authorities.

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