Home Technique Ram Adv

Ram Adv

synonym word Ram Baran Adv generally refers to Ram Adv

Character history

Adv worked in Kolkata Medical College Medicine, after studying in Tropical Medicine in Kolkata University. In 1991, he served as a minister responsible for health work, became a minister of health in 1999.

Ram Adv is born in Nepal, Kathmandu, Nepal, and a farmer family in Danuisa County, about 125 kilometers south. At the age of 64, Ram Adv was completed in Kathmandu to Hindu to study medicine, successively gain a bachelor's degree in Medicine, India, and a Ph.D. in Medicine School of Medicine, India. After graduation, he has been from the doctor in Delila area in southern Nepal. He has a prestigious in the medical community, and later, Adam became a private doctor in the Nepalese Conference Party Leader Bi Pu Kejra (the brother of Nepal Prime Minister Keirara). This experience makes Adv's interest in politics and joined the conference.

In the 1960s, the King of Nepal gably part of the political parties, after the implementation of the non-party evaluation, Ram Adiff began to engage in political activities. In the 1990s, he was involved in the recovery of the "people's movement" of democracy, and became a politician. Since 1991, Adam has been elected as a Nepalese parliament three consecutive times.

In May 2007, Adiff was attacked by the "Trice Democratic Liberation Front" in Jakill. Armed staff posted the occupation announcement and plugged in their banner on the house.

In the Constitutional Conference election in April 10, 2008, Adam once again elected. He has served as the Minister of Health, the Minister of State.


In the presidential election in July 2008, Adam defeated Ram Raja, Nepal Communist Party (Marxism) at the first round of the first round. Prazad Singer, but because no one has a direct vote of 298 votes, the second round of elections are required. In the second round of the 21st, Adiff defeated Singer at 308: 282, and was elected as president.

On May 28, 2008, the Nepalese Constitutional Conference was announced at the first meeting, and the monarchy was announced to establish a Democratic Republic of Nepalese. According to the framework agreement reached by the Ni, Nepal, in the implementation of the Constitutional president, the Prime Minister has administrative power, which is equivalent to the Prime Minister's Cabinet.

On July 17, 2008, Ram Adv, the Secretary-General of the Nepalese Constitution, the Secretary-General of the Nepalese Conference, was nominated as the presidential candidate. After the previous round of voting, Adam was very confident on the second round of voting. He said to the media reporter: "I am confident that I will win the election today. Apart from our original alliance political parties, some small party also expressed their willingness to support me."

July 19, 2008, due to Presidents were not produced in the voting, and the Constitution representative of the first 8 o'clock in the morning of the 21st, the second round of voting, and the leader of the previous round of voting, the leader of Adav and Singh competed.

Ram Adv

July 21, 2008, the Nepalese Constitution Voting Electoral Republic First President. Nepalese Constitutional Conference Director Kur Bahad Dolong announced the afternoon, the second largest party, the second largest party, the Presidential Presidential candidate Ram Ada, defeated the first largest party Nepalese Communist Party (Maolang) Nomination The presidential candidate Ram Singh, elected president.

Nepalese Conference Party Senior officials said than Malthra Nidid: "We are very happy, a civilian son finally became the first president of the Republic of Nepalese. Adavin is not only the party Members, he is a member of the Nepalese people. "

NiChalism supported Singh is the" Nepalese Democratic Front "leader. Although he is not a Niki (Maolang) party member, many Niki (Maolang) leaders believe that Singh is Nepalese anti-feudal, establishing a pioneer of the Republic, is a "armed revolution".

On 22 July 2008, after the presidential election was won, Ram Ada resigned its political parties to the Secretary-General of the Nepalese Conference.

On July 23, 2008, at the Nepalese Temporary Government Prime Minister Kejorara, the leaders of the National leaders and political parties, and the respect of the countries, Ram Adiff was president. Inauguration ceremony. After the ceremony, Keilea premiest stopped the national head of state. Ram Adv accepted the resignation of Temporary Government Prime Minister Keirara, and the temporary government was subsequently dissolved. Before the founding of the new government, current cabinets will exercise their responsibilities. Previously, Keirra has announced resignation at the Niger Constitution on the 26th, but because the president has not yet elected to have a resignation.

After the oath ceremony, Ram Adav said the reporter that he will dedicate the constitutional cause of the Republic and is committed to revising the New Constitution of the Republic and do our best for the people. He also called on political parties to jointly strive to achieve consensus, consolidate the independence and complete independence of national unity and sovereignty, and maintain social peace and harmonious development.


Ram Adav, after Nepalese Established the Republic, Adapar as a conference party representative of the party. At 21 on July 21, he was elected and sworn on the 22nd. On July 23, 2008, the President Nepalese is elected to Nepal, and the former is Gilija Prasad Keira (Provisional Country)

Family Status

Adav's wife Dreaming in 1983. He has two sons.

Political advocation

Ram Adav's hometown mainly lives about one-third of the Nepalese population. Madesman generally refers to Indians and descendants in Nepal near the century. Ram Adav advocates national reconciliation. Despite the Madessen, but Ram Adiff opposes local nationalism, the political proposal of the so-called "a state" is very displaced. He said, "The establishment of a single Madeson is just a nonsense, there is also the Nepalese of other nations. The Madesi people should fight equal rights, rather than a split land." In recent years, some Madesi political parties and armed groups claim to have more autonomy in the southern Deli Plain area of ​​Nepal, and even request independence, and have created turmoil and bleeding in 2007, causing dozens of death. Ram Adv worked a lot of work for the calibration. Ram Adv said later, "On the road to complete the peace process, Nepal is also facing many challenges", "I will focus on all the peace and an inclusive democratic system."

"In the harsh political environment in the past, the country is impossible to make progress", Ram Advent has talked about his political philosophy, to end the current transition phase and develop a new The Constitution, the challenge is heavy, "there is a consensus political environment to make the people's rich and happy. If we can unite, use the natural resources and beautiful scenery of this country, we can develop soon."

Ram Adv is elected president, which is actually a product of a large political parties in Nepal. The Nepalese Constitution has a representative of 594 oath, president or vice presidential candidates shall be selected by more than 298 tickets. Ram Ada won 308 votes in the election voting on the same day, and 282 people voted to support the presidential candidate Nepalese (Maolaism) nominations in the Constitutional Constitution (Maolaism). Ram Singh.

The first largest party niger (Maolaism) calmly accepted the election results and took a compromise strategy. According to the main policy agreement reached in the future, Nepal, in the event of the future political arrangement, Nepal has established the Constitutional president, and the prime minister has administrative power. The Nika (Maolaism) is thinking that it will give up the requirements of the president's position after the prime minister. In addition, NiChalism is just against the President of General Secretary, General Secretary, General Secretary, General Secretary, President, General Secretary. It has been achieved on its starting point.

and the president is elected to the Ram Adv advocated the party consensus, opposing local nationalism, as a Mades, but opposed to the establishment of a single Madeson, this is a total of Ni The political claim is very close.

Media Comments

But the media and Nepalese comments believe that political stalemate may continue. Ram Adiff swearing, the temporary government Prime Minister Keirara, the temporary government disbanded. This has ended the political stalemate in Nepal, and the new government paved the road as soon as possible. However, analysts believe that due to the first big party Nepalese Communist Party (Maolaism) in the Constitutional Conference in Presidential Election, the Nepalese government's crisis remains severe.

AFP said that after the president sworn, the Constitutional Constitution may vote on the prime minister of the nomination nomination. The presidential election on the same day shows that even a total of the candidates of the TC (Maolang), it is not guaranteed to pass in the constitutional meeting.

In addition, even if Nijuan (Maolang) successfully forms a government, the new government should implement the policies such as land reform will also face a lot of resistance, and the fourth-fifth constitutional conference may allow the new government in unstable.

Nepalese Politics Analytics Prahanjie Jiea said that if Nepal (Maolang) refuses to participate in the formation of the government, the Nepalese Political Bureau will definitely not stabilize, the new government is difficult to rule, the new constitution is also formulated face the challenge. Jieha said that Niha (Maolang) "recently suggests that they may be more happy as opposition to the opposition party. This is too sorry for the country's peace process."

The current Cabinet will exercise the duties of the government before the interim government is dissolved. At present, Ram Adav's first priority is to combat the establishment of a new government. However, whether the new government can work smoothly and when it is still worrying.

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