Home Technique Regional economic cooperation

Regional economic cooperation

Basic Forms

Regional economic integration can be divided into the following by tariff barriers and services and services of services, and in terms of industries, finance, finance, politics, etc. Several forms.

(1) Department integrated

department integration is one or several industries of Member States in the region, such as Europe Coal steel joint venture economic integration organization, including gradually cancellation of coal steel products import and export tariffs and limits, set up coal steel common market, adjusting the Community member states by controlling investment, product prices, raw materials distribution, enterprises and mergers, etc. Coal steel production, and establish a "coordinating institution" with super national nature, and constrain for Member States, businesses and individuals. This form of department is integrated with an European Atomic Energy Community (EAEC).

(2) Discount Trade Arrangement

This is a form of market economy integration. Mainly through agreements or other forms, reducing import tariffs between Member States. That is, special tariffs for all products or some of the goods. Such as the ASEAN and the African Deal Trade Zone, such as this class.

(3) Free Trade Area

Free Trade Area refers to the trade zone consisting of a free trade agreement, canceling industries between Member States Product trade limits, relief or abolish tariffs, which gradually move between members in the region, but does not involve establishing common tariffs and common trade policies, and does not establish a large-scale institution. For example, the European Free Trade Alliance and the Latin American Free Trade Association, etc.

(4) Tariff League

Tariff League refers to an agreement from two or more countries, Duty tax and cancellation of other barriers, and concluded alliances in the unified tariff rate of the Non-Terring States. It is integrated above the free trade zone, in addition to the basic content of the Free Trade Area, there is a unified tariff rate between member states. The purpose of alliances is to make the commodities in the country in the market in the unified customs, exclude competition for non-allied goods, which starts with the nature of the super country. As the European Economic Community implements economic integration, it is the tariff alliance.

(5) Common Market

Regional economic cooperation

The so-called common market is to completely abolish tariffs and quantity restrictions in common market members, and establish a non-member state. Unified tariffs, and also allows the freedom of production factors such as funds, labor, and other production factors. For example, the European Economic Community has realized agricultural common market in 1986.

(6) Economic League

The so-called economic alliance is the complete freedom of goods and production factors Flow, establish a unified tariff, and require Member States to develop and implement certain common economic policies and social policies, gradually abolish the differences in policy, and extend the integrated level to production, distribution and even the whole national economy, form a A huge economic group.

(7) Complete economic integration

This is the highest stage of economic integration. At this stage, countries in the region are fully unified in economic, financial, financial, financial, and other policies. In all member countries, there are free circles such as goods, capital, labor and service trade, etc. Furthermore, in politics, economic, unified foreign political, diplomatic and defense policies and economic policies, establish a unified financial institution, and release a unified currency. The Summit, the European Economic Community held in N-day, 1991, officially passed the Political and Economic and Monetary Alliance Treaty, which is the "Mastricht Treaty", which determines the period of establishing the European Central Bank and a single currency, but also Plan to develop common diplomatic and defense policies to establish a powerful European Federation. This includes not only the complete integration of the economy, but also a kind of political, diplomatic and defense.

Main Features

Regional Economic Cooperation Presents the following characteristics:

1. Regional economic cooperation in recent years in recent years

Since the establishment of the WTO, regional economic cooperation has been greatly accelerated. According to WTO statistics, as of January 2004, in 293 regional economic cooperation arrangements to WTO, the WTO was founded 58%; in operation In 197 regional economic cooperation arrangements, 1/4 of the WTO was established. Before WTO was established, about three, four regional economic cooperation organizations were established, while WTO was established, and 15 regional economic cooperation organizations were established annually. In recent years, the accelerated development of regional economic cooperation has been inseparable from the development trend of economic globalization. On the one hand, regional economic cooperation enhances the capacity of various member states within the region to deal with globalization, and can effectively buffer the competitive pressure brought by economic globalization; another _ aspect, regional economic cooperation is also difficult to make progress in international multilateral collaboration A variation method. Due to many WTO members, the economic development phase, trade policy is not consistent, reaching a consensus needs to take into account the interests of all parties, difficulty, and regional economic cooperation can be freely selected members, identify partners, cooperation and cooperation . Its cooperation has already exceeded tariff reduction, widely included in investment, competition policy, service trade, environment, and workforce and other multilateral frames that cannot be included. Some regional economic cooperation organizations are not only a free trade zone, but also to the tariff alliance, and even to the currency alliance, the EU even emphasizes the external voice.

2. Cross-region cooperation has become a new hotspot in regional economic cooperation

regional economic cooperation began to occur in neighboring countries and regions with geostile advantage between. Such as the North American Free Trade Area (NAFTA), the EU (EU), ASEAN, etc. With the development of regional economic cooperation, the resources available in the surrounding resources are gradually less, coupled with the development of information and communication technology, and the economic exchanges in the province tend to be convenient. According to WTO statistics, since the second half of the 1990s, about 1/3 of regional trade arrangements have occurred between cross-provincial countries. For example, the EU and Mexico have reached a free trade agreement, and signed South Africa, the negotiations of the South Africa and EU Trade, Development and Cooperation Agreement, and the negotiations in the bilateral free trade zone in the Mercosur in the South Africa; the United States and Jordan signed bilateral Free trade agreement. At the end of 2003, the operational cross-regional economic cooperation organization accounted for 5% of all regional economic cooperation organizations, but cross-regional economic cooperation with an agreement or undergoing negotiations accounted for 1/3, which proposed more than 40% of cross-regional cooperation. It shows powerful development. Among the 146 members of the WTO, 65 have been added or being commoded cross-regional economic cooperation organizations.

3. Bilateral economic cooperation has become hot, but the influence of multilateral regional economic cooperation is increasingly large

according to WTO statistics, 2003 is running The bilateral regional economic cooperation accounts for 80%, and 90% of negotiations are carried out between bilates. Although the regional economic cooperation organizations participating in multiple countries and regions have little quantity, the influence is getting bigger and bigger, and there is a tendency to expand. In May 2004, the EU ushered in the 6th expansion, Estonia and other 10 countries officially added to the EU, and Eu increased from 15 Member States, with 450 million people, doubled than the United States, accounting for the world trade. 20% of the amount, GDP accounts for 1/4 of the world. NAFTA's influence is getting bigger and bigger, under the promotion of the United States, 34 American countries plans to establish an American Free Trade Area on January 1, 2005. ASEAN has expanded from the initial 5 to 10 countries, and the expanded ASEAN collective or individual members are still negotiating with Japan, China, South Korea, the United States, Australia and other countries. In addition to establishing regional economic cooperation organizations between two or several countries, regional economic cooperation also presents increasingly complex organizational forms. First, a single or several economies join the existing regional economic cooperation organization, such as EU eastward expansion. The second is that a single economy has a regional economic cooperation organization to form a new regional economic cooperation organization. The new organization's economic cooperation arrangements are inconsistent with the original organization, such as China and ASEAN "10 + 1". The third is a separate two regional economic cooperation organizations form a larger organization. Such as EU-Southern Common Market, Caribbean Community - Central America Common Market, etc.

4. Asia has become a new hot spot in regional economic cooperation

Regional economic cooperation, the development of economic development, openness and cultural identity, etc. The influence, therefore the development between various economic regions is unbalanced between various continents. Such as Western Europe, North America starts earlier, fast development, while Asia starts late, Asia's largest 3 economies day, and Han since 2000 began to launch this work, so the proportion of preferential trade in the region Minimal continents. According to WTO statistics, 2002, 56.5% and 61.6% of the North American Free Trade Zone and the EU trade were achieved through trade, and the proportion of Asia was less than 10%, the potential is huge. Due to the increasing role of Asia, East Asia in the world economy in recent years, many countries have become increasingly recognized with Asian cooperation; coupled with the understanding of regional economic cooperation importance is also increasingly enhanced, Asia quickly Become a new hotspot in regional economic cooperation. Several regional economic cooperation negotiations are launched between countries and regions of Asia and countries and regions in other continents.

5. Regional Economic Cooperation Promotes the Trend of "Concrete" in the area of ​​trade and investment in the region

Due to the arrangement of regional economic integration, the interior of the regional group The extent of trade investment is better than that of the region, leading to an optimized restructuring of industrial structure in the region, which has contributed to the emergence of relatively closed regional international markets. Increased trade, investment creation and transfer effects, so that trade and capital flows in the region have grown rapidly, and there is more than regional trade and capital flows to present an exclusive "introverted" trend. For example, 1/3 of the EU's foreign investment is done between member states; as far as North America, the United States and Canada are the largest investment target countries and industrial transfer countries. According to statistics, the US foreign investment 1/5 focuses on Canada 1/3 of Canada's foreign investment focuses on the United States. In terms of trade in the district, in addition to the regional economic cooperation in the district, the regional economic cooperation organizations, the proportion of trade in the districts of other regional economic cooperation has been upward. National and regions that have not joined regional economic cooperation organizations in international trade and international direct investment are likely to fall into marginalized dangers.

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