Home Technique Roy Tree

Roy Tree

Research results

ultimately make quantum optical becoming a subject, to a large extent, to another physicist - Roy Tree, Harvard University Physics Professor of study.

Beginning in the 1960s, laser technology has achieved great development, but in the description of the characteristics of light itself, some difficulties have been encountered. Grabbell thinks that the quantified electromagnetic field does not represent all nature of light, and the collective behavior of a large number of photons has a big difference in ordinary photons, and it should better develop quantum theory to explore the nature of light, thus creating a quantum optical optical. Milestone research work.

Roy Tree (2 photos)

1963 Grapeber's successfully applied quantum theory through its own work, he explained some optical phenomena, he was "physically reviewed The communication is published in the research papers. In this way, several related papers were published in magazines such as physical comments, and the creative proposed "photon coherence quantum theory". The theory successfully describes the motion law of the light quantum, revealing the characteristics of the light quantum, and how a large amount of light quantum affects each of them, and generates "interference" phenomena. These papers of Grabbe have laid the theoretical basis of quantum optical disciplines.

The significance of Grapebellar's scientific thinking is that the first creativity proposes the use of quantum nature to explain the light macro phenomenon. This kind of thought not only gives the quantum nature of all macro phenomena, and the quantum of light It is also a best certificate. Through the coherence quantum theory of light, humans can study a large number of non-classic characteristics of photons, thereby exploiting more research areas and application areas.

Roy Tree proposed "the quantum theory of coherence" at the time, not only solved some basic problems, but also laid the foundation of quantum optical, and created a new discipline. Grabal is also because of the 2005 Nobel Physics Award for the pioneering work in the quantum optical field. When he won, quantum optical has become a very important branch of physics. "He won the Nobel Prize, which is a long-awaited thing in the academic world."

Winning Reason

Sweden Royal Academy of Sciences announced on September 4, 2005, the 2005 Nobel Physics Award will contribute to the theoretical and application of the optical sector to the United States Harvard University. Professor of Physics Roy Tree, he will receive half of the Nobel Physics Awards, and another half of the bonus is from John Hall and Germany, University of Colorado, Germany, Germany, Mission Professor Teoto del Hendo shared.

Sweden Royal Academy said that the three scientists have awarded because of the development of laser-based precision spectroscopy and the contribution of optical coherence quantum theory.

American scientist John Hall and German scientist Todor Heheng contributes to the development of laser-based precision spectroscopy, and American scientists Roy Tropipes " Quantum theory makes a major contribution. " Grabber put forward the "quantum theory of coherence", which not only solved some basic problems, and laid the foundation of quantum optical, "he has created a new discipline," he won the Nobel Prize, it is an academic world. Many people are looking forward to a long time. " The study of Hall and Heng Shi mainly combined atomic physics and quantum optics, and made outstanding contributions in precise measurement. The accurate measurement of time is mainly based on the frequency of the atomic transition, but in the state of atomic movement, the measurement is not accurate. Using laser technology reduces the speed after the atomic cooling makes it, it can make precise measurements, and they have achieved better results in precise measurement technology.

These three scientists and their colleagues' research although "hard to understand", they have gained extensive applications in many areas, and they have benefited ordinary people in some aspects, close to people's lives, such as Precise laser technology, increasingly popular global positioning system technology, etc.

Awards site


The ceremony is responsible for the physicist of Harvard University. clean.

award: 2005 Nobel Physics Award

Winner: Roy Tree, John Hall and Totor Heheng

< P> achievement

achievement: American scientist John Hunhol and German scientist Todor Heng Shi's award is because of laser-based precision spectroscopy development I have made contributions.


Revocal Royal Academy of Sciences announced on September 4, 2005, the 2005 Nobel Physics Award will be granted in the theoretical and application of the optical field. Two American scientists and a German scientist who contributed.

2005 80-year-old Harvard University Physics Professor Roy Tukuber won half the Nobel physics award bonus, while the other half bonus was from the 71st year of 2005, John Huo, University of Colorado, USA Tevi, Munich, Germany, Maximilian University, Professor Maximilian University, 63-year-old Todor Hehengzhi shared. Sweden Royal Academy said that American scientists John Hunhol and German scientists Todor Heheng's award is because it makes contributing to laser-based precision spectroscopy. Another American scientist Roy Henger Lauber won the "Contribution to the Moisture of Optical Coherent". In 2005, the total prize of Nobel Award was 10 million Swedish Krone (about 1.3 million US dollars).

According to the tradition, the 2005 Nobel Physics Awards Press Conference is held in the Decree Hall of the Swedish Royal Academy of Sweden, and reporters from all over the world are patient in the 18th century Sweden Royal Academy of Sciences. Oil painting is waiting. More than a quarter of the approximate time, the Nobel Physics Awards Journey Academy is directed to the podium, read the decision of the judges.

At the announcement meeting, the staff of the Royal Academy dialed the telephone number of Professor Heng Shi. Heng Shi said in the phone that is excited at this moment, I don't know how to express myself. Professor Heng Shi also recalled his doctor in Hydeburg University, his guidance professor was the 1981 Nobel physics award winner, which became an important driving force for him to join the science. A reporter asked him that his research results have a direct impact on ordinary people walking on the street. Heng Shi said that more accurate GPS satellite navigation positioning system and its application in transport should be the closest to civilian projects.

For American scientists, the Nobel Prize Jury official explained that the Xinhua News Agency reporter said: "The US scientific research policy is constantly improving the new Nobel Prize winner. Reason. The loose research environment allows the ideological freedom Mercedes-Benz's academic atmosphere and the research attitude to accept the challenge to create the Wolland of the Nobel Prize winner. In recent years, Asian countries such as Japan, South Korea have added investment in research, which is correct. He believes that in the near future, the world should be able to see the Nobel Prize winners from China.

Main events

China's trip

should have the National Key Laboratory of Physics Electronic Engineering and Quantum Optical Sub-Devices in Shanxi University Invitation, November 30, 2012, the 2005 Nobel Professor Roy J. Glauber, Professor, the Three Floor Report of the University of Shanxi University, ONE Hundred Years of Light Waves, One Hundred Years of Light Waves, One Hundred Years of Light WAVES Academic report of Quanta. Zhu Shiba, a professor of Physics, Hong Kong Baptist University, is translated into the entire report.

Jiashang Jia Church listens to the lecture and represents Professor Roy J. Glauber from the school. Vice President's high-decisions visited our school in the speech, and expressed enthusiastic welcome and sincere gratitude to teachers and students. He has made a brief introduction to the school's course history and discipline construction in Shanxi University. Academician Peng, Vice President Li Simida and more than 500 people and students listened to the report. The report will be hosted by the vice president of the Physical Electronic Engineering College and Dr. Zhang Tiansi.

Roy J. Professor Glauber tells the development of optical development in the report, and several famous experiments becomes lively interesting under the explanation of Professor ROY J. GLAUBER. Professor Glauber clearly tells, and vivid analysis has benefited a lot of teachers and students. Professor Glauber modest attitude, no humorous teachings, Professor Zhu Shiyi, a smooth translation, won the applause of teachers and students in the field.

After the report, after the end of the Physical Electronic Engineering, the teachers and students of the Physical Electronic Engineering were actively questioned, and Professor Glauber had patience and meticulous answers to the issues. Shanxi University student also gives it to Professor of Glauber to express his reverence of Professor Glauber.

The interior of the report hall is incapable, and the students sitting on the ground, face-to-face with the Nobel Prize winners, and enjoy the master's style.

Funny Nobel Prize

There is a Funny Nobel Prize in the United States ( IG Nobel Prizes ) , here there is such an inconspicuous "sweeping god" - Professor of physics Roy Tree, he is the official "broom security manager", because of the throwing plane to the stage, it was a funny Nobel Prize. The tradition, he has been responsible for the paper plane on the station, for decades such as one day, diligent, only in 2005, he is absented, because ... he is going to Sweden Stockholm to lead the real Nobel physics award.

The character passed away

died on December 26, 2018.

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