Home Technique School of Artificial Intelligence, Southeast University

School of Artificial Intelligence, Southeast University

Research direction

After the Artificial Intelligence School of Southeast University and Research, the research direction will cover the basic theory, support system and innovative application of the whole industry chain layout.

School of Artificial Intelligence, Southeast University


In terms of talent training, the Artificial Intelligence College will target the composite leading talent to cultivate the goal, build a unified scientific research and innovation platform, build systemic, cross-integrated talent training program, Undergraduates and master student enrollment will be more than 100 people, explore their own training model, actively carry out comprehensive cooperation with the spiritual cooperation between the world's first-class universities, deepen the famous artificial intelligence enterprises at home and abroad and other domestic and foreign universities and other countries and other countries. Promote the rapid development of the Artificial Intelligence College.

In the conversion of discipline cross research and results, the Artificial Intelligence Research Institute will work in the research, common technological and core algorithm research, common technological and core algorithm, artificial intelligent talent team construction, etc. . The research institute will plan the national policy plan as the guidebook, facing artificial intelligence 2.0 five new characteristics, combined with the direction of self-advantageous research in Southeast University, focusing on multidisciplinary cross-integration, forming the artificial intelligent support system as the territory, basic theory is foundation, innovation Applying for the multidisciplinary cross-innovation platform.

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