Home Technique Scottish enlightenment

Scottish enlightenment

Book information

Brotudi: Jia Ning

Publishing House: Zhejiang University Press

Publication Year: 2010-11

Pricing: 52.00 yuan

Frame: Pin-up

Series: Enlightenment Study Research Translation of

ISBN : 9787308080491

Author's introduction

Alexander Broadie is a professor of the Logic and Rhetoric of Glasgow, is also a member of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, a large number of books, which It is about Scottish philosophy, such as Thomas Reid On Logic, Rhetoric and The Fine Arts (2004), A History of Scottish Philosophy (2008), is published by Edinburgh University Press. He also wrote a chapter for the Cambridge Companion to Adam Smith (2006), The Cambridge Companion to Thomas Reid.

Content introduction

Scottish enlightenment has a profound impact on modern Western culture, and this book observes this history of the 18th century from the perspective of philosophy. The author of the top researchers provided a special written in this book, discussed David Hume, Adam Smith, Thomas Rudder, Adam Ferguson, and other Scottish ideas, pencil scope included philosophy, natural theology, economics , Humanology, natural science and law, and involve the historical background of Scottish enlightenment, the inheritance and impact of European and American culture. This book provides excellent guidance and guidelines for this colorful ideological and sports history.

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