Home Technique Screen Resolution

Screen Resolution

Proportion of Scale 4: 3

4: 3 is the most common screen ratio, the ancient standards circulated from the TV era . Most of the screen resolutions are taken according to this ratio before the modern width screen.

VGA (640x480) - "VGA" is actually a specific standard for resolution, but a display standard for IBM computers. There are 320x200 / 256 colors, 320x200 / 16 colors, 640x350 / 16 colors, 640x480 / 16 colors, and even the 80x25 and 40x25 text modes. Just finally because the highest resolution of official support is 640x480, VGA has become synonymous with 640x480. The importance of VGA is that it is a reference resolution accepted by all graphics cards. Windows is on the screen before the graphics driver (BIOS), that screen is at VGA resolution.

svga (800x600) - SVGA's situation and VGA is a bit like, but also in a "specification" identity, but finally seems to be a specification, all of the VGA strong displays claim Is Super VGA, or SVGA. In resolution, SVGA specifies the resolution of 800x600 - even if the advertisement is self - being SVGA screen, it is often only 1024x768, or higher.

XGA (1024x768) - In the era of SVGA, IBM has lost the exclusiveity of the market, and the PC industry also officially entered the era of homing. Although IBM defines the specifications of XGA, it is actually one of the various super VGA specifications. The XGA finally became a synonym of 1024x768 resolution.

SXGA + (1400x1050) - SXGA + is the resolution of the teenage in the laptop from 2003 to 2007. However, with the wide screen, this resolution is difficult to see.

UXGA (1600x1200) - UXGA is also known as UGA, the resolution is just four times that of SVGA. UXGA is a 4: 3 20 "and 21" on the status of the screen, but with the 4: 3 screen getting less, it is more difficult to buy this resolution screen.

QXGA (2048x1536) - QXGA resolution is four times that of XGA, and most of the limit of 4: 3 screen support.

higher 4: 3 resolution, such as QUXGA, just a theoretical name. There is no product that does not use this resolution in the real world.

Screen ratio 16:10

16:10 is a common "wide screen" ratio

wvga (800x480) - VGA Widen the version, most of the MID and the small Netbook adopted resolution. The first generation of 7 "Eee PC is this resolution.

WSVGA (1024x600) - Husband said that this ratio is not 16:10 (960x600 is), but this is a more common width The screen resolution is listed together. 8.9 "Netbook is mostly this resolution, part of 10" NetBook (wind nb) is also.

wxga (1280x800) -wxga earliest refers to 1366x768 The widening version of 1024x768 is the most common resolution of the LCD TV panel. But wxga on the computer usually refers to 1280x800 resolution, usually on the 13 ~ 15 laptop.

wxga + (1440x900) - is also a common resolution of a wide-screen laptop, but more often appears on 19 "widescreen LCD.

Screen Resolution

WSXGA + (1680x1050) - 20" and 22 "Wide Screen LCD and Part 15.4" Laptop Available Resolution.

wuxga (1920x1200) - the widescreen version of UXGA. This resolution must be reached to display 1080P movie on the screen. Tablet 320x1200 is roughly 24 "~ 27" LCD field, and laptop is 17 "or more.

wqxga (2560x1600) - mainly 30" LCD screen is used Resolution, famous Apple Cinema Display, Dell Ultrasharp 3007WFP / 3008 WFP is this resolution.

Screen ratio 16: 9

16: 9 is mainly the proportion of HD TV in use. Often heard 720P, 1080p is this ratio. It is a screen format suitable for video viewing and office operation (accommodating two documents) but for game support relative difference (gradually get more game support) screen format.

qhd (960 x 540) - QHD full name quarter high definition, quarter of FULL HD 1920 × 1080, the resolution level is 960 x 540.

720p (1280x720) -720p is a display format of a resolution of 1280 × 720 under progressive scan. It is a fusion of digital film imaging techniques and computer technology.

wxga (1366x768) -wxga means 1366x768, which is the most common resolution of the LCD TV panel.

1080p (1920x1080) - 1080p is commonly known as Full HD (SONY oversized), before only on TV (more than 1920x1200 in the computer), but starting with a 1080p panel laptop, Like the second generation of ACER stone machine, the advertisement can "let the picture filled with the screen, do not leave black".

qhd (2560 x 1440) - QHD full name quad high definition, four times the HD 1280 x 720, resolution level is 2560 x 1440.2013-08-22, LG released the world's first resolution The 5.5-inch screen of 2560 x 1440 is reached, with a pixel density of 538ppi!

compares to the traditional 16:10 LCD monitor, 16: 9 has an unparalleled advantage in playing HD movies. More flat panels make it more coordinated with Full HD HD movies, the simplest manifestation is that the upper and lower black sides of the movie have decreased a lot, and with the expansion of the left and right area, the visual area of ​​HD movies is also close to 3%. The visible area is improved. From the shipping products of major computer vendors in 2011, the 1366x768, 1600x900 resolution accounts for the majority of the major manufacturers, but the gold proportion of the major manufacturers, but from the perspective of consumers, due to I am used to the proportion of 16:10, there is still an adaptive problem for 16: 9, many consumers claim 16: 9 look flat and small.

Screen ratio 5: 4: 4 family: Saying is a family, in fact, only SXGA is a member. How, never pay attention to your own screen comparison? In fact, 1280x1024 except than 5: 4 is correct, not 4: 3.

SXGA (1280x1024) - The 19 "screen and most non-wide screen 19" screen is this resolution. Why is SXGA to use a 5: 4 ratio, but in turn, it has become almost all existence in the office.

Pixel PITPEL PITCH is similar to the dot pitch, generally refers to the distance between the display of two pixel points in the display. . The picture we see is formed by many points, and the fineness of the picture quality is determined by the point distance, the calculation method of the tab is divided by the panel size to the value obtained. Taking the LCD as an example, the visible area of ​​the 14-inch liquid crystal display is generally 300 mm × 190 mm, the resolution is 1280 × 800, thereby calculating the point distance of this LCD is 300/1280 = 0.2344 mm or 190/800 = 0.2375 mm. The smaller the dispensing, the more delicate the image.

16:10 ratio 22 (21.5) and 20 (20.1) "widescreen liquid crystal displays are: 1680 × 1050.

16: 9 ratio 23 and 22 (21.5) inch widescreen liquid crystal display is: 1920 × 1080.

The refresh frequency of the liquid crystal display is used to use the operating system's default 60 Hz, do not change (no matter how much the system is default it). The LCD is not a CRT display, and its internal is not a cathode ray tube, which is not a phosphot to bombard the phosphite in the developing tube.

The LCD display is the back tube illuminates the previous liquid crystal panel and passive light, only the difference between the bright, the bright, the darkness. Therefore, the liquid crystal display does not have the principle of the electronic gun progressive and the interlaced screen (when the LCD display is working, each pixel point is shining from the beginning to the end, there is no flashing phenomenon), and there is no refresh frequency concept, and no change is changed. , Refresh frequencies do not work on all LCDs.

The display card has an adaptive function of the display. When you plug in the display, the graphics card will confirm the optimal refresh rate and resolution displayed by the display, usually can not set more in the system. The resolution and refresh rate of the display limit. Some graphics drivers provide overclocking options, which can set the resolution and rate and refresh rate of the display specification, but do this may cause the display to not display.

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