Home Technique Shenyang National Forest Park, Liaoning

Shenyang National Forest Park, Liaoning

Synonym Shenyang National Forest Park General refers to Shenyang National Forest Park in Liaoning

Geographical Environment


Liaoning Shenyang National Forest Park is located in the east of Shenyang, located in Weinan In the area, 40 kilometers from the center of Shenyang, 30 km away from Fu Lun City, 9 kilometers from Shenha Expressway. The geographic coordinates are east aged 121 ° 22'26 "-121 ° 31'08", north latitude 38 ° 53'10 "-38 ° 57'12". North across China Temple Village and Qiujiagou Village connection line to Da Black Niu Nugou, south Neighboring Zenggou Village Line, Xiwu Mangang Village, east to the House Village. The total area is 933.3 hectares.

Shenyang National Forest Park

Topographic Landform

Liaoning Shenyang National Forest Park is a long white mountain Hardidian, in the Liaodong Low Mountain Hilly Silk, which is a structure to abrog the hilly landform, The altitude is between 100-266 meters, the slope is 10 degrees to 30 degrees, and the average slope is 15 degrees, which is towards the northeast to southwest. The highest peak is the stone mountain, sea level is 441.3 meters.

Climate characteristics

Liaoning Shenyang National Forest Park is a northern warm wet tie semi-humid season wind climate area, four seasons, rain heat, winter long, summer short. The temperature in the park is low, the air humidity is large, and the temperature difference between day and night is obvious, with hilly forest climate characteristics. The average temperature is about 7 ° C, which is about 1 ° C lower than Shenyang. In January, the average temperature was -12.6 ° C, and the average temperature in July was 24.8 ° C, the extreme temperature was 34.6 ° C. The frost-free period is 146 days.

Hydrological Characteristics

Liaoning Shenyang National Forest Park is less, the groundwater is penetrated from precipitation, and is distributed along the mountain river valley. Shiren Mountain mountainside below the Temple, there is a double spring spring wells, covers an area of ​​about 0.08 hectares. Spring water accumulates in the roast of the old temple ditch.

Natural resources

Plant resources

Shenyang National Forest Park (2)

Liaoning Shenyang National Forest Park Vegetation belongs to the transition zone of Changbai plant and the North China plant area, and vegetation is mainly 270 plants in a natural secondary forest, including more than 50 kinds of oil plants, more than 80 oil plants, and more than 80 medicinal plants. Plants mainly have oils, black pine, red pine, long white roller, Japanese larch, pine, Mongolia, Mountain, torch tree, gold and silver, Hu, brancium, 槐, side, white birch, Huaquan, Weeping willow, Xinjiang Yang, Haibang, Virtue, Five-Terorn Maple, Yuanbao Feng, Folka Maple, Omelet, Tea Maple, Forsythia, Embroidery, Rat Li, Wei Speak, Sone Wood, Ziwei, Mountain Apricot, mountain red, bar strip.

Animal Resources

Animal District, Shenyang National Forest Park, Liaoning, is a hills, Liaodong Mountain, Liaodong Mountain, Northeast, Northeast, Liaoning, and a total of 67 species, there is a wolf, 狍, Mongolian rabbit, woolen, Du Fu, Night Eagle, Woodpecker, Bolec, Huang Wei, etc.

Shenyang National Forest Park, Liaoning

Main attractions

Nan Tianmen

Nantian Gate is located in the top of the stone mountain mountain in Shenyang National Forest Park, Liaoning Province, covering an area About 0.04 hectares. There is a stone cliff, two stone doors, the horizontal door extension a huge latch, stone lock, lock the door. Because Qing Dynasty was eight years, the emperor was named.


Long Ping is located in the north side of Shenyang National Forest Park, Liaoning, covering an area of ​​about 0.03 hectares, for antique 攒 攒 重 亭, reinforced-concrete structure.

Xianghe door

Xianghe door is the north gate of Shenyang National Forest Park, Liaoning, 100 meters long, high than one large two small Arched door hole, which is open to traffic.

Before the Best Cave

The war has a cave, also known as Lei Feng Cave, built in the 1950s and 190s, 1635 meters long, with an area of ​​3746 square meters. Facilities with warfare function. Introduced in the tunnel, there is a theme showroom, using the physical, historical photos, wax, and sound and photoelectric technology to showcase the life of Lei Feng.

Northeast Asian Ski Resort

Northeast Asian Ski Resort is located in Shenyang National Forest Park in Liaoning, covering an area of ​​1.35 million square meters, is a tourist tour, fitness Recreational, leisure vacation. There are 8 snowfields with high, medium, primary, children, and teaching snowdrops. The total length of the snow has reached 4,000 meters, between 4 to 30 degrees of snow, and the shooting snowfall is artificially saving.

Honor recognize

December 1997, Shenyang Forest Park, Liaoning, was approved by the Ministry of Forestry for the National Forest Park.

Travel Information


self-driving route:

1 Union Road - Shen Railway (102 National Road About 25 km) - Migang Street - Liaoning Shenyang National Forest Park.

2 Shen Ring Expressway - Shenha Expressway - Qingshui Exit - Ma Gang Street - Liaoning Shenyang National Forest Park.

Bus line:

1 take Shenyang 328 bus, from Hui Lang Square Station to New Town Site Station, then transfer to forest park bus .


Ecological health tour:

North Gate - Xianhe Pi Pharmacy - Spa Health Base - Sports Service Center - Features B & S - Sen Pu Ecological Farm - Shuangqu Temple - Shenyang First Peak - Tibetan Pavilion - Nan Tianmen - Longtan - North Gate.

Children's Science Top:

North Gate - Water Theater - Sen Pu Ecological Farm - Best Hour Cave - Panda Breeding Base - Longtan - Hot Springs Health Base - North door.

group expansion tour:

North Gate - Northeast Asian Ski Resort - Sports Service Center - Spa Health Base - Sen Pu Ecological Farm - Beestin Hourly - Kang - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Fitness hike:

North Gate - Kangsuo Center - Shuangqu Temple - Shenyang First Peak - Forest Trail - Forest Grand Canyon - South door.

Free policy

In February 2020, in order to strive to strive for medical workers who resist the "epidemic", the scenic spot is on December 31, 2020, the scenic spot National medical workers free of charge. The specific opening and closing time is subject to the scenic spot, it is recommended to call the scenic to confirm with the scenic area before the tour, and bring a valid documents confirmed by identity.

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