Home Technique Socialist public ownership

Socialist public ownership

Yugoslav's exploration practice of socialist public ownership

1950-70, Yugoslavi stopped using the "state-owned" in the Yugoslav Constitution in the Yugoslav Constitution With the "social ownership", establish a worker autonomous system, this is the first time in the socialist movement to break the national ownership and traditional public ownership practice, is considered Marx < B> The practice of the public ownership form , that is, not only the production of information is public, consumer data belongs to individual, but also to achieve all workers to use production materials, create results and income, personal, namely Workers have dominated all products created (including product products and consumer materials). This is a more civilized personality form of exploration. Due to various reasons, the exploration of Yugoslavia has not been successful, but it provides a rare experience and lesson by practicing my country's reform.

Socialist public ownership


has the form of socialist ownership and socialist collective ownership. It is the foundation of the socialist economic system, which determines the relationship between the workers' mutual assistance cooperation and the distribution of labor. Socialist public ownership is one of the most important signs of socialism in other social forms, and is the fundamental of socialist superiority. It is the main body ownership of the socialist primary stage. Deng Xiaoping said: "There are two very important aspects of socialism. First, it is the main body of public ownership, and the other is not engaged in two polarific differentiation. Public ownership includes all ownership and collective ownership (" Deng Xiaoping Wenli "Volume 3, page 138 Also said: "No matter how it is open, regardless of foreign capital, it is still very small, affecting our socialist public ownership." ("Deng Xiaoping Wenli" Volume 2, No. 351) Jiang Zemin reported in the 15th National Congress of the Communist Particultityhill In the middle, it is a fundamental economic system for the common development of my country's socialism in China. The realization of public ownership can and should be diversified. Everything that reflects the management of social production laws and organizational forms can boldly use. It is necessary to find a public ownership implementation that can greatly promote productivity development, including a variety of forms of shares.

Relationship between socialist public ownership and market economy

The socialist public ownership and market economy belongs to both opposite, unified relationships, and there is a significant same difference between the two. At the location, the correct analysis of the relationship can lay a solid foundation for subsequent combinations. Overall, the two have the following relationships: Item exchange should be carried out on the basis of privateness, but in Marxism, when the production information ownership has public nature, the commodity exchange is lost. Therefore, the belongings of the production materials are the people of the labor, and the status of the workers is equal, any group, organization, etc. cannot be special. However, in the context of socialist public ownership, production materials can be treated as a commodity implementation of equivalent, which belongs to a relief performance, requiring public ownership companies to make operations and ownership on the basis of clarifying the public property of production materials. Independence, based on the collective interests, the benefit is reasonably allocated. At the same time, in the process of exchange of a total of capital, it should be guaranteed based on the exchange of exchanges between enterprises, the people, the state, etc. are responsible, the business philosophy can be consistent with national regulation. It can be seen that in the process of integration with socialist public ownership and market economy, it should be fully recognized that the difference between the two will promote the health and prosperity of my country's market economy.

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