Home Technique Spain Seville Cathedral, Castle and West India Islands Archives

Spain Seville Cathedral, Castle and West India Islands Archives

World Heritage

basic information

Heritage Name: Seville's cathedral, the castle and the West Indies Archives

Cathedral, Alcázar and Archivo de Indias inSeville

selected: 1987 (2010 for the Heritage range slightly modified)

Their selection: cultural heritage ( i) (ii) (iii) (vi)

location: N37 23 08.5 W05 59 35.0 (Seville Cathedral)

N37 23 01.8 W05 59 29.6 (plug Seville Castle)

N37 23 04.6 W05 59 33.7 (Indies Archive)

legacy code: 383bis

Heritage description

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Seville's cathedral, the castle and the West Indies archives (9)

Seville Cathedral rated third in the world, the first Spanish cathedral , the world's largest Gothic cathedral. Cathedral of Seville in the 7th century Great Mosque, on the basis of established, retained the famous Giralda minaret, its history can be traced back to the 16th century. Church 内阿布鲁西奥 Ness courtyard and now the door of forgiveness is part of an ancient mosque. When Fernando III conquered the city of Seville in 1248, the mosque became a Christian cathedral. Its architecture has gone through various periods of time Mudejar, Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque, neo-classical academic, as well as the last attempt to end all of the above pure simple style of architecture. Cathedral Plaza de la Virgen main entrance facing the king, there are five main hall, its subject is 116 meters long 76 meters wide rectangular building.

West Indies Archives was first used by commodity trading places Juan Dee Cabrera designed in 1572, 1781 has been changed to public literature museum. Archives is the most precious document about finding conquer the New World, as well as the second floor exhibition room of Columbus, Magellan and other explorers sailing manuscripts, maps, etc., the time span from 1492 to the late 19th century, the number of documents more than 80 million.

1987 Nian council Heritage selection criteria based on (i) (ii) (iii) (vi), Seville's cathedral, the castle and the West Indies Archives are a UNESCO World Heritage Committee approved as a cultural heritage "World Heritage List."

Evaluation of the World Heritage Committee

Located in central Seville's three buildings - the cathedral, the castle and the West Indies Archives - together constitute a remarkable heritage buildings. Historical cathedral and castle dates back to between 1248 to recover territory during the 16th century, these two buildings influenced by Moorish style. At the same time, they are also historical evidence Aer Mo Bernhard Andalusian civilization and Christian civilization. Syrah is Aer Mo Bernhard Jorda Temple era architectural masterpiece, it is next to Seville Cathedral. There are five main hall of the cathedral, is Europe's largest Gothic building, the church kept the coffin in the tomb of Christopher Columbus. West Indies Archives converted from an auction hall, the museum kept the early colonists found valuable archival documents at the time of the Americas.

Heritage Introduction

Located in central Seville's three buildings - the cathedral, the castle and the West Indies archives make up the extraordinary heritage buildings. Cathedral and the historic castle dates back to the irredentist 1248 to 16th century AD, the two buildings influenced by Moorish style, at the same time, they are also Aer Mo Bernhard civilization and Christian civilization of Andalusia witness history.

Seville Cathedral

Seville's cathedral built in the 15th century, Gothic architecture, size only to the Vatican's St. Peter's Cathedral and London St. Paul's Church, ranked No. 3 in Europe. Inside the church there is a flame-shaped wing-shaped dome, forming a tall interior space, mainly in the royal cathedral, the main cathedral, museum collections, prayer hall. Cathedral Church of the royal family in the early works of the Spanish Renaissance. In the modeling structure and surface geometry vaulted dome of the building are covered with simple decorative patterns magnificent. Main cathedral surrounded with exquisite mosaic-shaped bars, engraved characters especially on a giant screen altarpiece, in the church as well as treasure chamber and the tomb of Columbus. The museum collection, exhibited a variety of gorgeous precious hangings, vestments, hymnal, choir used by shelves and other religious works of art.

Seville Cathedral: Christian victory over Muslims product

11 century Seville became the most important city in Spain, al-Andalus was ruled in a tough and fundamentalist under the doctrine of Islamic political system, two generations of Muslims from North Africa invaded and occupied here, they started a regular crusade against Christians and Jews. The new regime pursued aggressive behavior quickly aroused strong resistance, this revolt occurred in the streets of Seville, to eat up the entire Andalus and advance to the north. 300 years, the independent kingdom of northern Christianity, has been dependent on their last legs and Moorish Andalus truce, Christians finally could not stand to be in control of the Islamic regime and the territory of military force, they decided to start a revolt. In the 12th century, when Christians effortlessly overcome one after another Islamic city in 1248, Seville was occupied.

The struggle to establish a very fanatical Catholicism, it became the religion of Spain. This is also a war born of modern Spain. To prove the great Christian, they demolished the mosque, built on the site of Seville Cathedral. It was once the world's largest Christian religious buildings, and the Vatican 蒂冈圣彼德 Cathedral and St. Paul's Cathedral in London and three in the world known as the Cathedral.

Architectural Design: many of them Muslim cultural elements

This Gothic ceiling covered church was tall dome structure, massive pipe organ decorative, stained glass windows, Christianity signs everywhere. But in the altar, that are too complicated decorations, it also revealed traces of Islam, Moorish design and a unique design integrated into the Spanish soul. This great altarpiece tells the story of the victory of the Islamic Christian defeated army, at the same time deliver a complete Moorish aesthetic taste.

town clock tower building, become a symbol of the epic war of Seville outbreak. This is now the bell tower was originally a minaret, it was standing in this part of the city's central mosque, the Muslim place of prayer loyalty, but now he was given a higher mission, renaissance bell tower.

Old Palace: cruel Seville Christian Emperor Pedro built

board the Bell Tower / Tower, overlooking Seville, you can saw the old palace. Alcazar is an old palace bearing the indelible mark of Moorish architecture, the palace was not built as a Muslim, on the contrary, it was in 1364 as a new Christian emperor of Seville and the construction of cruel Pedro . This is how to be cruel to the bloody world of medieval Spain won such a nickname for themselves. In addition, Pedro was a rapist and killer. In this palace he killed his elder brother, a visiting Arab nobility, the dignitaries stupid, with the world's largest rubies. After finding gems in the body, Pedro offered it to King Edward the Black Prince. While this gem is now embedded in the crown of the British Empire, and each time the coronation of this palace are contaminated with spilled blood.


castle dates back to 阿里莫哈德 dynasty. Existing plaster, etc. That's when the yard of the building, the rest of the building was the Christian era, have been repeatedly converted from the castle combines a variety of architectural styles, the most magnificent hall full of Arab ambassadors mood, girls courtyard and beauty He showed a courtyard style Haar art, inside the garden called for Arab art.

West Indies Archives

West Indies Archives

Set in a city of ancient trading rows, transaction line was built during Felipe II, reflects the classical style. El Escorial by the architect Juan Cabrera d'design, the museum has a collection of American conquest and colonization of valuable documents, Columbus, Magellan and Hernán Cortés's handwriting and precious files marked with the defenses of Spanish America Zhucheng maps.

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