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Spiro Agrant

synonym Spiro Theodore Agnew generally refers to Spiro Agnew


Spiro Theodore Agnew (Spiro Theodore Agnew, 1918 on 11 Feb. 9 - September 17, 1996), American politician, former Maryland governor and then US Vice-President 39 (January 20, 1969 - October 10, 1973). One of the two in any internal resigned as vice president in American history.

Born in Baltimore, majoring in law, 1962 Baltimore County Executive. 1967 as Maryland (Maryland) governor. 1968 and 1972, and Republican Richard Milhous Nixon (Richard Nixon) fancy the forces of his western region, so pick his partner for the campaign, he was elected vice president. He criticized the anti-Vietnam War molecules and television news media rhetoric wording intense, "domineering sophisticated gusto", "Slick capricious or indecision" cowardly sitting on the fence "and so on fame. In 1971, then deputy President Agnew while attending a golf tournament, the first ball will fly to the audience, causing a panic. guessed, the second goal also seems to be located in general and flew straight to the audience. the last statistics, he " launch "of a total of two balls and wounded three spectators. Golf is played most poor Americans has become a joke after a meal, but when the" Watergate "after being publicly, Agnew was a stunning scandal broke in order to divert negative attention, forcing Agnew Nixon publicly acknowledged in 1973, the Justice Department is investigating bribery Vice President, the time period can be traced back as Maryland governor Spiro Agnew. Agnew stated that he "nothing can hidden ", but after a few weeks, he has been accused, counsel for the defense he made no felony because of suspicion of committing extortion, bribery, tax evasion and other crimes in the Maryland governor office, resigned from the vice presidency in 1973, and the short report regarding the income tax without any defense. the last was fined $ 10,000, suspended for three years. in 1974, Maryland government canceled his solicitor. then transferred to a private undertaking, and consultant.

corruption scandal

1973 summer and fall occasion, when people are concerned about the Watergate scandal, the Republican Party has revealed scandal has nothing to do with Watergate - Baltimore political corruption event after a preliminary investigation found that the incident when the vice president Spiro Agnew involved. Baltimore as the mid-20th century, America's fastest growing suburban county in the process of construction of roads, houses, bridges, drainage systems and commercial center, involving a number of real estate transactions in this event, the composition of a series of tangled trading network. is one of the pioneers of all kinds with the contractor, is one of a variety of magistrate with the state palace, they are complicit, conspiratorial speculation and extortion. to 1972 late last year, US Ambassador to the Justice Department prosecutors have found enough evidence of wrongdoing, then the jury be empaneled to investigate "six steps", and determined direct touch they think by far the largest "melon".

After a "six steps" program, they learned that, during 1967 and 1969 Agnew any Maryland governor until the first term of the then US vice-president, are constantly accepting gratuities and gifts. jury Armed with conclusive evidence, on August 1, 1973 formally notified Agnew, he pointed out that due to bribery, extortion, conspiracy and tax evasion will be investigated.

the news spread, Agnew refused to accept. he Nixon regard to ensure that he is innocent, on the other hand to emphasize to the public that he is innocent. he held a large correspondent conference, he said at the meeting accused the jury of the "damned lies" and insisted that he was "no to hide. "after a few weeks of complicated legal advice, decided to play Agnew Complainant confrontation. However, Attorney General Elliot Richardson and President Nixon's attitude on the matter, so he is in a very unfavorable position. Richardson believes that circumstances of this case at a glance, only hope that before the end of his presidential term, some of the less catastrophic event occur again, and asked: "For a little less adverse effects, resignation is a good way out." Nixon has long been struggling with Watergate, the matter never willing to take more risks, and therefore it clear through aides hope Agnew resigned. Faced with this situation, Agnew said he is still innocent, and playing tricks, fight back again. Although his actions were a lot of conservatives acclaim, but it is difficult to contend with legal and political power it has been moved to the. He's requesting an investigation by the House of Representatives, he was rejected by the Speaker of the House; the grounds of his "vice president is not accused," the justice ministry note on "the vice president and the president is a difference between" being negative; the White House's private secretary warned him : Do not attack the jury.

In early October, Agnew had to admit defeat, his biggest concern is not to go to jail. Thus, the Minister of Justice Richardson proposed a solution acceptable to all parties: if Agnew agreed to resign, and the counts of income tax evasion is not a rebuttal put forward, it may withdraw the charges against him of other crimes. Agnew agreed. Thus, the prosecutor throws a 40-page document detailing the details Agnew more than a decade of crimes. Agnew was fined and sentenced to three years' unsupervised probation police. " But he continued to insist on his innocence. In "Hold your horses ⋯⋯ otherwise" (1980), a book, he declared that his resignation is not to avoid prosecution, but because he believed that if he stayed, then White House chief of staff Alexander Haig would probably kill him. In 1983, Agnew Maryland comply with a court order to pay the government US $ 268,000 as compensation and fines when he was governor of his mistakes.

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