Home Technique Strategic change

Strategic change


1. Change and innovation, transformation distinction

1 change refers to the progress of the current plan and concept to convert enterprises into new conditions and Change process.

2 innovation is a new idea and concept, and pay it in the process of enterprise management.

3 Transformation is a process of rapid and quality changes in an exterior environmental impact of enterprises during operation.

Strategic change

2. The progressive change is the main form of strategic change

The concept of traditional thinking, strategic change is an incompetent, sometimes a one-time, large-scale change. However, in recent years, the strategic maturity of the company is often considered a continuous process, and a strategic change often brings other changes. Obviously, the basic strategic change in the business cycle is relatively unable to appear, and the progressive changes (possibly strategic) are more frequent processes. Therefore, in many cases, progressive changes lead to strategic changes.


(1) Differential Changes and Revolutionary Changes

Enterprises Implementing changes in the environment and survival can be Divided (ie, the degree of change is progressive or revolutionary). Gradual changes are a series of continuous, steadily advanced changes, enabling companies to maintain smoothness and normal operation. Gradual changes are often at some part of the enterprise system at a point. Those revolutionary transformations are the overall change process, which makes the whole system changes (see Figure 1)

At the end of the 1970s, Some scholars are in many US or Japanese business operations After comparing the case of success and failure, the theoretical community and the actual worker of enterprise management have formed a consensus: culture has an impact on corporate operating results, corporate growth and development. The impact of corporate culture on corporate strategic changes is mainly in its three basic functions: guided function, incentive function, and coordination function. Cultural guidance function refers to the jointly accepted value concept to guide business employees, especially corporate strategic managers, consciously choose decisions that meet the long-term interests of the company, and consciously show decisions that meet the interests of corporate interests during the implementation of decision-making organizations, and The daily behavior of the interests of the company; the coordination function of culture mainly refers to the guidance of the same values ​​and code of conduct, and the behavior of all levels and department employees in the company is not only in line with the long-term and short-term benefits of the company, but also the coordinated; The incentive function of culture mainly refers to the adjustment of their behavior in the request of the value concept and the claim of the Corporate Code of Corporate Culture in daily business activities.

Enterprise culture is the main factor in corporate strategic change, which clearly shows the characteristics of the path dependence. The path dependent is a common concept in the institutional economy. The strategic change decision decision in the business process and its organization implementation also exhibits a similar feature. The above factors affecting corporate strategy change have shown three characteristics of path-dependent: the organizational memory characteristics of corporate culture; entrepreneurs' behaviors are restrictive by past experience; the characteristics of core competence.

This role in entrepreneurs in the process of corporate culture has enabled corporate culture to reflect the memory of corporate organizations. Corporate culture formed in history is a successful behavioral way that is proved in business operations, as well as the behavioral guidelines and values ​​embodied in this behavior. Culturally advocated values ​​and conduct guidelines are generally recognized by corporate employees, widely agreed, and heterogeneous values ​​are basically unacceptable. The stronger the corporate culture, the harmonization of values ​​and behavioral guidelines, the more emphasis, the more exclusive heterogeneous values. Obviously, as a corporate culture of organizational memory, it constitutes a way of thinking of business employees, and through the impact on employee thinking, the company's employees and the behavior choice of enterprises, thereby restricting the corporate business strategy.

Entrepreneur's functions or experience may make it conscious or unconsciously used as a reference system selected today, as a culture of organizational memory, a comprehensive role in the above factors, Strategic change may thus exhibit a clear path dependence. Beyond the path-dependent, enabling business growth and development to get rid of past shadows, must use virtual organization, construct a strategic alliance, use the company's knowledge innovation, develop enterprises' core competence; transform corporate culture, promote enterprise learning; improve corporate governance structure, The system guarantees and promotes the rationalization of operator behavior.

The rigid characteristics of the core power limit the development and selection of corporate strategic reform programs. In order to promote the development of the company's core competencies, overcome the path dependence feature in strategic transformation, and must shape the business culture of learning. Learning corporate culture can be understood from two different angles. Corporate Culture The value concept and behavioral guidelines must be conducive to the learning of corporate organizations and their members; corporate culture itself must be the product of continuous learning, and the culture is not only just the successful experience of enterprises, but with strategic changes. The values ​​or thinking methods in the internal and external environments of the enterprises needed.

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