Home Technique Sulawesi


synonym, Siribers, general refers to the H2> Historical Historical Historical Historical Project in Sulawesi

The earliest human residential traces of Sulawesi are Torra Stone culture, named the oldest residents Descendant Taura people.

In the past century before the arrival of the Europeans, there were some kingdoms established by the Buji, Wang Tie people. These countries have all remembered Islam in the early 17th century.

Portuguese who wants to monopolize the shaft in 1512 Come here, and the Dutch in 1607 Hainan builds a colonial point. The Dutch's forces gradually expanded, and the Netherlands have lost independence from 1905 and 1911, respectively.

During the Second World War, he was occupied by the Japanese in 1950, Join the Republic of Indonesia. The political turmoil and rebellion have never stopped, but did not endanger the rule of the central government.

Beijing time 17:41 on August 18, 2012, a 6.3 earthquake in Indonesian Sulawesi, is located 1.4 ° in the south latitude, 120.1 ° East, and the depth of the source is 10,000. Meter.

Geography Environment


Sulawesi is the world's 114600km2, located in central Indonesia, south of the Philippines. The north is the Philippine Islands, and the southern is Florers Island and Tongha, and the western is Garitan Island, and the eastern is Marku Islands.

The shape is very special, similar to a large K letter, there are four peninsula, the middle of the island is a steep mountain area, so the four peninsulas are rare, and from the sea route is convenient than the land. Between the North Peninsula (Mimahasa Peninsula) is a Gulf of Tomini, between the Gulf of Tomini, and the Southeast Peninsula is a Gulf of Tolo, between the Southeastern Peninsula and the South Peninsula. Gulf of Boni

Geological Landform

Sulawesi area 174600km2, located in the contest belt with the Pacific island arc, the structure is active, multi-volley and earthquake. The island-shaped strange, from the four peninsula to north, northeast, southeast and south. Most mountains and deep valles, less plains, is the largest area of ​​Indonesian mountains. There are a plateau in the middle of the middle of the altitude, there are more than 10 volcanoes in the north, and the mountain peaks are more than 3,000 meters, and the Lant Kongbola Mountain in the central Southwestern Peninsula is 3455 meters above sea level, which is the highest peak of the whole island. The coast is steep and twisted, the coastline has a total length of 5478 kilometers, the depth of the bay, the coal reef coral reef, the seafront plain.


Surawesi's main deep water lake has lakes such as Towuti, Poso (POSO) and Matana. According to the measurement, the Lake Matana depth of 590 meters. The river on the island is short and there is no light weight. The river network is dense, the process is short, the canyon, the waterfall and the ground lake, rich in hydraulic resources, irrigation, no shipping.


Surawesi is located in the equatorial tropical rainforest, annual precipitation is more than 2500 mm or more, most of the rainwater is uniform; the role of the terrain, the mountain climate is cool, wave The Niwan Board is affected by burning wind, and the annual precipitation is 550 mm, which is the most dry place in Indonesia.

Administrative division

The administrative region of Sulawesi is divided into 6 provinces, the largest city is the name of the southwest, and there is also the north of the north. Larger city.

Northern Sula West Province: Dudu Old

Columbao Capital: Columbie

Central Sulawesi : Palu

West Sulawesi capital: Ma Mu Zhu

South Suliwesi capital: Wangkata ​​P>

Southeast Sulawan West Province, the capital: Kensari

Natural resources

Sulawesi is located on the Wallace Line, so there is only an animal and plant in the East Oceanian, of which Most of the Australian new circles, there are 2290km2 zonisted by Rell Forest National Park.

Sulawesi is known to have 127 mammals, of which 62% (79 species) is the island special, and there is no existence in the world, the most is a buffalo. That is, Sirbus buffalo. It is worth mentioning that Sulawesi has a bag of mammals called Su Island Bag cat, rather than people who often say is only distributed in Oceania and the Americas. 34% of the birds are all local unique. Generally speaking, animal groups are Asian instead of Australia. The unique variety has a lug or a pig deer, the black neck and the squid, etc .; the freshwater fish in Bornee and the freshwater fish in Sulawesi are significantly different. Most of Sulawesi is still forest dense forests, and there are many similarities between the plant groups and the Philippines, but there are more varieties in the western part, and there are more varieties in the eastern Australia.

Sulawi Shrimp is a freshwater ornamental shrimp of Taowu, Sulawesi, Indonesia, has a bright appearance of ordinary freshwater shrimp.

Population national

Sulawesi residents are mainly composed of 7 ethnic groups, 即 即 阿 t t t t), (Toradja), Buginese, Wang Tin, Makasese, Minahasan, Mori and Gorontales. Toara people are spread on the island, and they are the nomadic residents in the jungle of the jungle, which is the Tyra Type of Australians. Torara people are in the middle of the island, the southeast and eastern part, belong to the Mestroni - Malay - Bolignian Nationality, have their own language, basically home work, most of the Christianity, but still keep many The custom of gums. Buji people and Wang Ti people are Muslims, physical strength, energetic, skin color, love gambling, cheerful banquets, live in the south, very diligent, good at making weaving items, textiles, gold and silver and ships, etc. The Minhasa people are different from other ethnic groups, their skin color is white, the high nose, the lips, the double-eyed spacing, the brunette is short and hard, the body is very strong, lived in the old Diantu, is the most in the island Western nationality, lifestyle is also European style, and each village has Christ Church and school. The Mori is a highland nation and lives in many places in eastern. Columbia lived in the western part of the Northeast Peninsula and the south, short, straight hair, compared with the skin, is Muslim.

Mince of Sulawesi (4)


The island and neighboring islands are divided into 6 provinces. The most developed area of ​​the island is in the top part of the South Peninsula and the Northeast Peninsula. Southern rice, corn, cassava, sauce, beans; coastal species tobacco, produce sea salt; Tempe and Sidenrene planting cereals around two lakes; Parepare, East Savi There is a hydropower station on the Sawito river. Northeast produced coculong, forest products and some sulfur, and a considerable fisheries.

Most of the east half is not developed, the population is sparse, mainly self-sufficient agriculture. The central part of the Southwest Peninsula and Island is the center of the National Immigration Program. According to this plan, the central government tries to settle from the Java and Barijo to reduce the population stress of those islands. The economy in these places is therefore increasingly developed, and the economic sector has gradually diverse. There is a highway between the main towns of the Southwest Peninsula, while in other places, the road (Dudu, Kama [Kema], Kensari Koraka [kendari-kolaka] and Dora Asia [Toraja] Plateau Highway Except for the coastal area. The main airport is in Wangpai, Dudu, Gorontalo, Kentary, Popo and Palu.



The various indigenous languages ​​of Sulawesi are the Nan Island Language - Malay Polynesian language group, specifically divided into three categories: Philippines Sign in, South Sulawesi, Siolibers language support.

Most of the Northeast Peninsula is a language in the Philippine Islands. Southwest Peninsula and its adjacent areas belong to South Sulawes; the rest are Sribs language.


Indonesian Sulawesi discovers cave murals (5 photos)

Sulawesi Pay attention to art, including manufacturing pottery, fabric and dance, the pottery they make is very refined; the fabric is very meticulous, there is a repeated pattern. Men's dance is powerful, women are soft and smooth, and dance often tell a storyline.


Most Sulawes believe in Islam, but 19% believe in Christianity, 2% of which believe in Roman Catholicism, mainly concentrated in north and central, and some Big city. But most people do not believe in Christianity or Islam, still believe in local primitive beliefs and local gods. In addition, there are some community beliefs in Hindu or Buddhism, mainly in the middle of Indians and Chinese.


The costumes of the Sulawesi man are relatively beautiful, like the sword of the handle, and I also like to use a beautiful fan.

Torajan's funeral custom

Northern Torchai County, North Sula, North Sula, is a very strange place. "Rand Pack" is interested in "Funeral" in the local language, and people have completely unfamiliar with the concept of "death", and they have never "died" in their vocabulary, "sick" and other words, the most young grandmother in the village · Badi Pan Garrot, when the other people saw others, there was no one in the village crying, only the bamboo pipes in the wizards made a sad mourning. People gently put her body in a hull sandalwood coffin in the main house, and brought palm wine, but the broccoli spices smoked cigarettes, guarded next to it. The villagers have a daily life, and they come here to eat and drink, and there is often a burst of laughter around the coffin. This is the highest expensive family, why is you so much after you have a lofty prestigious? In fact, the villagers have no lightweight for the elders who are highly expected. There is no concept of death in the consciousness of the villagers, and people are dead, they are considered "sick." It is no wonder that Badi in the year of the year, her children said that the old grandmother is very serious. The "patient" was preserved for a long time after formaldehyde, until the holiday ceremony celebrated the soul, "patient" was placed in the stone hole on the cliff with his wooden statue, which truly entered the "heaven".

"patient" and "heaven" statement is enough to make people feel illusory. Stacked in the rich sacrifices around Badi - dozens of buffalo, a few hundred fat pigs, thousands of kilograms of rice and to welcome friends and relatives, and far from the guests of Mada, Madet, Madeta Sexual village is even more incredible. Local artisters can be made with a "patient" in stock to make a shape of the wooden Bolo statue to symbolize the eternal life; and the wooden cattle will lead "patient" to the sacred place as the first sacrifice. Of course, the number of sacrifices, statue quality, and the scale of the ceremony are completely dependent on the social status and prestige of patients. Announcement like Badi is airable to enjoy the highest level treatment.

in Sulawesi, almost all funerals will work with Buffalo. In the rice field, the cowhoe is light and the cattle of the cattle, the neck, infinitely tenderly for them, feeding the blue grass. How happy and harmonious scene! However, after the sacrifice ceremony begins, the cowhoe holds the big machete knife on the back, and slowly takes the knife from the yarn cage (the local people's clothing), the knife tips are upright, stand upright. Just listening to it, the big machete embedded into the cownery, and the cow neck artery was cut off, and the phenomenon was suddenly fell to the ground, and the blood spurted. After pulling the knife ax, the warm livestock in an instant is four minutes. The internal organs are left to "patient", and the headshot of the water is given to the family and the junior. It is said that the moment of the first buffalo on the sacrifice is the exact moment of the soul from the human body, "patient" to the other ultimate world. According to the provision of the phase, this cow must be a "white cow" that is ablated. After the festival, thousands of people jumped into circles, and they sent a burst of whistle. People are sitting on the open space and the air of the pig, starting to drink, big mouth swallowing various foods, so the celebration of religious colors should last for five nights overnight.

Badi's human life has passed away, and she is about to start her happiness "paradise" life. The mighty people have a luxurious boat trip, through the rice fields, jungle, and go to the sacred mountain peaks outside the km. To climb the top of the mountain, people use the rope to hang the coffin from the journey, and use the people, stepping on the Cave of the Candid Travel to the Cliff, and the cave of the statue of the Pan Garo family member statue. In a scream, Badi's Lingshu was suspended by a kraft with a cave placed on the rock wall, with its ancestral branches. People will continue to come to worship in the future. Because Badi is still "live". In another wonderful world, Badi who turned into goddess, doubled these devout believers.

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