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summer school


● Summer school origin Summer school started in 1871, Harvard University, has more than 130 years of history. In this 130 years, the superiority of this teaching organization in summer schools has gradually been known by other universities of the United States, and summer schools have begun to become general. For example, California passed the "General Plan for Higher Education in California" in 1959, in the legislative approach, "all public colleges and" of the private colleges can be used in the summer, half-school or four quarters The academic courses of semester cells have enabled California universities and secondary students to learn in summer, and Yale University has also held summer schools around 1970.

After years of development, the biggest characteristics of American University Summer School is open. Summer schools open the wall from other universities and social openings, and also open to the world, and strive to attract existing students to join.

The concept of "Summer School" truly entered China for the first time in 2009, the summer vacation in 2010, and then there was also an international summer school (such as Jinan University Summer School, Central University for Nationalities. International Summer School, Chengdu University, International Summer School, Shanghai University International Summer School, Taipei University of Science and Technology, International Summer School, Bridge Shuizhou University, Summer School, Summer School, 2010-2011 During the explosive period of my country's summer school, the model of "International Summer School" entered China, although in less than 10 years, the "one-to-many translation" model and global social platform were affirmed by the majority of international students.

In China, some "211 Project" public colleges have also begun to introduce this teaching model, establish an international summer school (such as Guangzhou Jinan University International Summer School), providing students undergraduate courses at home and abroad.

summer school


● Comparison of Summer School in Sino-US University

From the course, domestic university's summer school is mainly based on courses and scientific research training, curriculum type Mainly focused on internship courses and humanistic qualifications. From the opening day of the summer courses, in addition to the opening of students and social staff in Beijing University and Shandong University, other summer schools are just the school students. Summer schools in American universities are open, and the student group of open enrollment and diverse is an important feature of their summer classroom.

From time schedule, domestic university summer teaching is generally concentrated in a period of time, and it is not very short. US universities are diversified, some concentrated, some are divided into different curriculum series. Different curriculum series are different from the beginning of the time, and thus the application is applied, the time registration of the course is also different.

In terms of credits, Harvard Summer School's courses were accepted by most colleges, and of course they were also accepted by other universities of the world. Domestic universities open in summer schools, general school students have been recognized. Of course, there is already an attempt that credits can be confirmed, for example, there are many universities in China to recognize students in the Northern Summer School.

(above the information provided by the deputy director of the Peking University Education Department)


Today, Harvard University has developed to have ten graduate schools, forty Multiple lack, more than 100 professional large colleges. There are 18,000 degree candidates officially registered, and graduate is mainly, including undergraduate students. There are also 13,000 non-degree students to learn one or more courses in their expansion colleges. More than 14,000 faculty workers working at Harvard University, including more than 2,000 professors and lecturers. There are still more than 7,000 teachers working in all kinds of teaching hospitals. Over the years, Harvard University has cultivated a large number of international students from all over the world, in addition to cultivating a large number of American students, and visiting scholars.

Historically, eight graduates of Harvard graduates have been elected as president of the United States. They are John Adams (US Second President), John Qu Nadamas, Roseford Hays, Westodoss Roosevelt, Franklin Roosevelt (Ending 4th), John Kennedy, George Walker Bush and Barak Wait, Obama. A total of 34 Nobel Prize winners were produced in the professor of Harvard University.

The course opened in the early years is based on the model of the UK university, but in thought, the philosophy of the Popularity prevalent in the mind is consistent. Although many graduates its early years have become the pastors of the entire new England region, the school has never officially added a particular sect. A published early speech in 1643 clarified the existence of Harvard University: "Promote knowledge and make it forever."

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