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Sweesi's tomb

World Cultural Heritage

Basic Information

Heritage Name: Sweesi's Sprissen Tomb

thracian Tomb of Svestari

Selection time: 1985

Selection basis: Cultural Heritage (I) (III)

Sweesi's tomb

Geographic Location: N43 40 0.012 E26 40 0.012

Heritage number: 359

Heritage description

Sweesi's Sweesi's Tomb is located in Razgles, Bulgaria, Razgles, Sway Near Shipe Village. About 2,300 years ago, this grave was built with the king of the thamia. Sweet Tomb of Svestari This 3rd century Tomb of Thracian Tomb of Svestar reflects the basic structural characteristics of the Religious buildings of the Colorants. There is a unique architectural decoration in the ancient tomb, colorful half-semi-plant women's column and various murals. The grave is composed of three atriation. These rooms are carved from the whole stone. From the appearance, this grave is like a stone pier, a diameter of 80 meters, 12 meters high. The 10 gods carved on the Central Tomb Room Wall and the string monthly decoration of the vault are the only place found on Rascles. This remains prove that according to ancient geography, the Tiansites at the time were in contact with the ancient Greeks and living in the north.

In 1985, according to the Cultural Heritage Selection Based on the standard (I) (III), Sweesi's tomb is reflected in the basic structural characteristics of the Religious building of the Raissen, by the United Nations. UNESCO World Heritage Committee approved as cultural heritage into the World Heritage List.

World Heritage Committee Evaluation

This remains were found near Bulgarias in 1982. The Tomb of this 3rd century BC reflects the basic structural characteristics of the Religious building of the Rais people. There is a unique architectural decoration in the ancient tomb, colorful half-semi-plant women's column and various murals. The 10 gods carved on the Central Tomb Room Wall and the string monthly decoration of the vault are the only place found on Rascles. This remains proved that the cultural culture of the Gatta, according to ancient geography, the Trusters at the time and the ancient Greeks and the northern northern people.

Heritage Introduction

Sweesi's tomb is located in Sweet Tari Village, Razgel, Bulgaria, Bulgaria, the heritage It is included in the World Heritage List by the basic structural characteristics of the Religious buildings of the Rais people.

Si Rusper and Si Ras Culture

According to historical records, the Leis people are one of the earliest residents in the Barcao Peninsula, mainly distributed in the current Bulgaria, Greece, Macedonia, Romania and Turkey and other countries. The Lussen has created a highly developed Crete McSi, eventually being destroyed by the Roman Empire.

The Lussens have created a splendid culture in the ancient land of Bulgaria. Bronze and iron spears and arrows, palaces and urban ruins, rocks and stone columns on the name of the famous saying, writing in the parchment and leather, etc., there is found on this magical land. Listers left to people, many of the valuable wealth, the most famous is the unique foundation found in the Raspers people found near Kazarak and Sweattar, unique found in Panaki Rashi and Luogo Gold jewelry.

Sweesi's tomb

as the concentrated expression of Colosa culture, Sweesi's tomb found in 1982. About 2,300 years ago, this grave was built with the king of the thamia. As a masterpiece, the grave is rich in the grave - the waters, circles, conventional bullhead decorations, garlands, colonies, etc. under the vaulting, garland, colonnade, etc., and reflect the pattern of religious etiquette, etc. They are all amazed. This is an extraordinary monument of colors, also in recent years, the biggest news in the archaeological circles.

The grave is composed of three atriots. These rooms are carved from the whole stone. From the appearance, this grave is like a stone pier, a diameter of 80 meters, high 12 Meter. The buried primary room is very complete, with several extremely typical for residential features: four big pillars with the most quite greek architectural style; ten goddesss engraved on the wall, support the edge door frame Two stone beds dedicated to the dead husband and wife; there is a horizontal belt on the wall, which is described above.

The stone cavity in the cemetery is fine, and it is buried in the king and Wang Hao. The age of the king is about 30 years old. Wang Hao's age is around 20 years old, Wang Hao is committed with swords. After the body of the king of the gods, it was born with yellow white limestone to block the entrance of the mausoleum, and piled up the soil, built a small tune higher than about 12 meters. There are also items such as horses in the tomb. The tomb of the tomb is narrow, and the tomb of the end is built with a semi-circular dome. There are many statues in the tombs, of which 10 of these women are 1.2 meters, and some are gentle and beautiful, some are sinister, and some are sad, the expression is different.

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