Home Technique Text arrangement

Text arrangement

The concept of writing

For our designer, the text of the text should also pay attention to the format of the text itself. In the graphic screen composition, the text content of different key points is expressed in different fonts, which is commonly used in the design, such as: the main emphasis on the lead, the quarter of the citation, etc. But excessive pictures of the font are not in peaceful, and the fonts have lacks necessary angry. The number of font numbers is much in the center of the core. So we have to learn about text arrangements and some basic forms applicable in specific circumstances. We summarize four basic forms.

four basic forms

(1) are all neat. The text is uniform from the left end to the right end, and the group appears to be connected, rigorous, beautiful. This arrangement is one of books and newspapers.

(2) is in. Take the center as the axis, the two ends are equal. It is characterized by a more concentrated view, the center is more prominent, and the integrity is stronger. When configuring pictures in words in text, the central axis of the text is best aligned with the axis of the picture to obtain the unity of the layout line.

(3) left or right. There is a looseness of the left or right and right, there is a looseness, a virtuality, free breathing, and rhythmic. Left or right taps, the lead or the tail will naturally generate a clear vertical line, which is easy to coordinate and obtain the same point of view on the cooperation with the graph. Qi left appeared naturally, in line with the habit of visiting the movement of the line of sight; the opposite, the right is not very well in line with the habits and psychology of people, and thus less use. But in the right way, the text seems to be novel.

(4) Text Around Alignment The bottom image is inserted into the text, and the text is arranged directly about the edge of the graphics. This kind of technique gives people a sense of nature, integration, vivid, is the most common illustrations of literary works [2].

Font Design

Font Design

text design First, the font is selected. From the perspective of art, you can regard the font itself as an artistic form, which has a great impact on people in personality and emotion. In a flat design, the font is very critical as the processing of color, layout, graphics, etc.

Text arrangement

Different fonts have different modeling characteristics. Some show, some beautiful, some regulations, some are awake, some are free and luxurious, some are very elegant, and some are simple, and different fonts should be selected for different fonts. Specific fonts. content. Such as: Title text, choose your eye, clear, concise black body, crypt art, etc.; the text is commonly used in the singularity of the font, imitation Song, 体, etc. At the same time, different fonts in the entire layout have different strength and different virtual comparisons.

The font design is the style of the text, and it is also understood as a graphical style of the text. In the font element, the selection and matching of fonts, fonts are very particular. The process of selecting a font style is a process of aesthetic judgment. The design of the font is the foundation of the typesetting design. The font used in Chinese mainly has a Song, imitation of the Song, the black body, and the book. In order to achieve the eye-catching effect on the title, there is a crude black body, a variety of art, amber body, crude, fine round, and hand-painted creative art characters. In the typographic design, two to three fonts are selected as the best visual results. Otherwise, it will make people feel that the overall effect is lacking. In the three fonts selected, consider changing the font size, which can also produce a variety of visual effects. More than four or more, it is very messy, lacks an overall sense. To reach the rich and variation of the layout, just make a limited font to become thick, tap, elongate, flattened, or adjust the width of the line spacing, or change the size of the font size. The more induced fonts, the worse the integrity.

Graphic designer can use fonts to more fully reflect the emotions to express in the design.

Font Selection is first in an inductive, intuitive behavior. However, no matter what font chooses, it must be based on the overall idea of ​​plane design and the needs of the reader. For example: bold words are strong, there are male characteristics, suitable for machinery, construction industry and other content; fine words elegant and fine, female characteristics, more suitable for the content of clothing, cosmetics, food and other industries. In the same plane, the font type is small, the layout is elegant, stable; the font type is more active, and colorful. The key is how to master this ratio according to the flat content.

Secondly, the area of ​​the text also plays a pivotal role in planar design, directly affecting the beauty of the entire design picture. The text area is often used in the plane, that is, the text in the screen is arranged in accordance with the number of the scheme unit and the content of the content. Through the size of the text area, the text forms a combination of size area, so that the text parts in the screen appear elastic points, line, and surface layout, which creates a compact, comfortable, and other effects for the layout of the layout. You can make read burden to alleviate and increase reading interest, while allowing the layout of the plane to produce rhythm, rhythm and visual impact. Adjust the characteristics of the entire text block by adjusting the font, a spacing, a row distance, and the like, and it is tight, sometimes it is laminated.

字 字, the design of the line spacing

The grasp of the line spacing is the psychological feeling of the designer's layout, and the direct embodiment of the designer design taste. In the flat design, the transmissions and the line spacing are not just convenient to read such a simple requirement, but also reflect the unique characteristics of designers. Therefore, the handling of the mark and the line spacing first, first make it easy to read, give the reader with a good reading atmosphere, then make some unique design. The conventional proportion of the general line spacing should be: 10: 12, i.e. 10 points, then 12 points.

This is mainly due to the following considerations: Appropriate line spacing will form a clear horizontal blank band to guide the viewer's gaze, and the line spacing will make a line of text to lose better continuity. In addition to the impact on readability, the linenap is also a designed language with strong expression. In order to enhance the decorative effect of layout, we can consciously widened or narrow the line spacing, reflecting unique aesthetic interesting. But for some special layouts, the widening or tightening of the line spacing, which can also reflect the connotation of the subject. For example, the widening distance can reflect a relaxed, stretched emotion, applied to entertaining, and lyrics.

In addition, by careful arrangement, wide, narrow-scale coexistence, enhance the spatial level and elasticity of the layout, showing unique consciousness. Modern international popularity will be arranged separately, and people feel decent and fresh and modern. Therefore, the word spacing is not absolute, and should be determined according to the actual situation.

There is also a combination of text. The success or not of a text design is not only written by the font, but also whether the arrangement combination is obtained. If the text in one piece is not properly arranged, crowded, lack of sight flow, not only affect the beauty of the font itself, but also is not conducive to the audience to conduct effective reading, it is difficult to produce a good visual communication effect. To achieve good arrangement, the key is to find the intrinsic link between different fonts, a combination of different compliance factors to maintain their respective individual characteristics, and achieve overall coordination. In order to create a vivid contrast, comparison factors can be selected from the aspects of style, size, direction, brightness, etc.. However, in order to achieve the unity of the overall combination, it is necessary to choose the same factor from the style, size, direction, brightness, etc.. Factors that will compare and coordinate are in the need for an inch of the need for expression theme, which can cause both contrast and coordinated, visual aesthetic value.

Title and Text Arrangement

When the title is tit with the text of the text, it can be considered first as a double bar, three columns or four columns, and then carry out The title of the title. The text will be divided into two columns, three columns, four columns, is to obtain the spatial and elasticity, vitality and change of the layout, avoid the singleness of the screen and the single insertion of the title. Although the title is the title of the entire picture, it is not necessarily placed on the heads of the segment, which can be treated, horizontally, vertical, or edges. Some are more directly inserted into the group, in order to find the novel layout to break the old law. Not only these, we will also consider the overall arranging of words.

The overall arranging position of

text is subject to overall requirements. The arrangement of the text in the picture should take into account global factors, and there is no visual conflict. Otherwise, at the picture, it is easy to cause confusion in the visual order. And the entire meaning and atmosphere of the work may be destroyed, this is a very subtle problem, you need to experience. Don't expect your computer to help you arrange it, sometimes it will help you. The details of the details must also be noted that the gap between 1 pixels will sometimes change your taste of your entire work. Also give people aesthetic. During the visual communication, the text is one of the image elements of the picture, which has the function of conveying the feelings, so it must have a visual beauty, which can give people a beautiful feel. The first is the group arrangement of the copy. To organize a variety of information of the copy, such as square or rectangular, wherein each paragraph can also be divided into line segment, which makes it clear, and there is an integral sense. When the graphical configuration, the body is more prominent, and the space is more unified. The group of the literary case avoids the lack of layout space. Japan's flat design is very characteristic on the overall arrangement of words. Secondly, the graphical arrangement of the copy. Arranging a copy of the copy or a group or a group as an image, and becomes a part of the illustration, reaching the mutual fusion of graphic, supplemented, is a unique typographic design. The graphical graphics of the text makes the layout, achieving good visual appeal, is the best form of uniform form and content. However, not each design can be used as a graphical process. Graphical treatment cannot be abuse random, it must be determined according to the subject content.

Pay attention to the textual arrangement and the creation of text is a method of conveying modern sense. The designer should not let go of creative arrangements in a limited text space and structure, but should give arranging deeper connotations, improve the funity and readability of the layout, and overcome the monotonous and dull in the arrangement. The designer should also pay attention to the role of the text of the text in the plan design. The first is a word meaning pattern. Characterization graphics is a deeper thinking about textualization, concise, intuitive graphics.

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