Home Technique Unit domestic product energy consumption

Unit domestic product energy consumption

synonym unit GDP energy consumption generally refers to the unit domestic product GDP


Domestic (region) Gross Energy Consumption Per Unit of GDP, referred to as unit GDP Energy consumption is the energy consumption of a country (region) every country in a certain period of time.

Affecting factors

One is energy consumption. Since various energy natural endowments are different, different energy heat value utilization of equivalent standards is different, so the GDP of the same unit is produced, and if the energy variety used is different, the amount of energy consumed will be different. For example, the raw coal and natural gas are used to generate electricity, and the same value is output. The power generation loss is higher than the natural gas due to low power generation efficiency, and the power generation consumption consumed by the raw coal power generation is higher than natural gas. Therefore, energy consumption constitutes the size of the energy consumption of energy consumption in energy consumption.

2 is an economic growth mode. The extensive economic growth mode mainly relies on increasing production factors to expand production scale and achieve economic growth. The intensive economic growth mode is mainly based on scientific and technological progress and improve the quality of workers, and increases the quality of the product and improves the quality of the product, and promotes economic growth. Economic growth in a wide range of economic growth is compared to intensive economic growth mode, with a high energy consumption, and the unit GDP energy consumption is relatively large.

three is a industrial structure or industry structure formed by natural conditions, regional industries. In general, in various industries of the national economy, the added value of the first industry and the tertiary industry unit is more than the second industry; in the various industries of the national economy, the increased value of industrial units is larger than other industries. There are many, among which the heavy industry is more than the light industry, the six high-energy industries in the heavy industry have the greatest value of each industry unit. Therefore, the added value of the tertiary industry accounts for high GDP, and the energy consumption of the unit GDP is also small; mainly with heavy industry or even six high-energy-energy-energy consumption industries, the unit GDP energy consumption is also bound to be large.

fourth is the level of equipment technology and equipment, energy utilization technology and energy production, and consumption management. Equipment technology equipment level, energy utilization technology level and energy production, the higher the management level of consumption, the less energy consumed, the less GDP energy consumption is also small.

5 is a natural condition. Natural conditions, such as natural resource distribution, climate, geographic environment, etc., have certain effects on energy consumption structure, industrial structure, etc., and indirectly affect the size of the unit GDP energy consumption. For example, there is a colored metal mine aggregated, correspondingly carrying out the mining, smelting, calendering of non-ferrous metallic metal, with a high energy consumption industry in which non-ferrous metal smelting and calendering and industrial industries, which brings more energy consumption and output. GDP is relatively small, resulting in large unit GDP energy consumption.

From the above-mentioned factor of GDP energy consumption, different countries or regions have different economic development stages, the differences in energy consumption, plus exchange rates, etc., the country or region There is more imperbrability between unit GDP energy consumption.


Mainly below:

One is to directly reflect the economic development of energy dependence on energy. The unit GDP energy consumption is the intensity relationship between energy consumption, reflects the strength relationship between a country (region) economic development and energy consumption, that is, every social wealth that needs to consume energy. The larger the unit GDP energy consumption, the higher the economic development of energy, the higher the degree of dependence on energy.

The second is to indirectly reflect the industry structure, equipment technology equipment level, energy consumption constitute and utilization efficiency. It can be seen from the factors that affect the unit GDP energy consumption, and the size of the unit GDP energy is more or less indirectly reflected in these aspects.

three is indirectly calculated social energy saving or energy over consuming.

fourth is the effect of indirect reflection of the effects achieved by various energy-saving policy measures, and the role of testing energy saving cost reduction results. For the unit GDP energy reduction rate, indirectly reflect the effect of this year's energy-saving policy measures, and play a role in testing the effectiveness of energy conservation.

unit GDP energy consumption is calculated from the total energy consumption of energy and domestic (regional) production.

The calculation formula is: unit GDP energy consumption (ton standard coal / million yuan) = total energy consumption (ton standard coal) / domestic (region) GDP (10,000 yuan)

Among them, the total energy consumption refers to the sum of various energy sources of a country (region) national economy and resident families to consume in a certain period of time. The energy here is the concept of energy, that is, from the natural world to achieve or through processing, conversion, the conversion has achieved various resources, including: raw coal, crude oil, natural gas, water energy, nuclear energy, wind energy, solar energy, land One energy such as thermal energy, biomass energy; primary energy through processing, conversion, coal, coke, gas, electric power, heat, refined oil, etc., other products, other products produced at the same time; other fossil energy, renewable energy and new energy . Among them, water, wind energy, solar, geothermal energy, biomass energy can only include people obtained by certain technical means and as part of commercial energy; nuclear energy only includes part of energy use.

Gross domestic (region), that is, GDP, refers to the final achievement of all residential units in a certain period of time.

is relatively convenient, and the GDP calculated when the cost is consumed in the domestic (region) of the calculation unit.

Data ​​h2>

August 16, 2012 National Bureau of Statistics, National Development and Reform Commission, the National Energy Administration issued the total production value of 10,000 yuan in the provinces in 2011 ( GDP) energy consumption and other indicators.

From 10,000 yuan GDP energy consumption, the highest drop in 2011 is Beijing, down 6.94% over the previous year; Hainan, Qinghai, Ningxia and Xinjiang rose 5.23%, 9.44 respectively, 4.60% and 6.96%.

From the absolute value of 10,000 yuan GDP, the least the absolute value of 2011 is Beijing, 10,000 yuan GDP energy consumption is 0.459 tons of standard coal / 10,000 yuan; the highest is Ningxia, 2.279 tons of standard coal / Million yuan.

2016, China GDP growth is 6.7%.

2020, my country's GDP energy consumption fell by 0.1% in the previous year.

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