Home Technique Virtual machine software

Virtual machine software


The following software products can be used to virtual hardware, it can be used on a variety of operating systems.

Adeos is a hardware abstraction layer. KVM is a Linux kernel module, QEMU program may be modified so as to use virtual reality hardware (hardware virtualization).

common virtual machine software


< p> VirtualBox is a German software company was first developed InnoTek virtual system software, later acquired by Sun, renamed Sun VirtualBox, performance is greatly improved. because he is open source, unlike VM, and powerful, can running Linux / Mac and Windows hosts, and supports in which to install Windows (NT 4.0,2000, XP, Server 2003, Vista), DOS / Windows 3.x, Linux (2.4 and 2.6), OpenBSD, and other guest operating systems . If you've ever used virtual machine software experience, I believe that using VirtualBox mention. Even if you are a novice, it does not matter. VirtualBox provides a detailed documentation, can help get you started in the short term.

VMware Workstation

do not need to re-boot will be able to use the main features several OS.VMware have the same computer:

Virtual machine software

1 does not require a partition or. reboot can use two or more operating systems on the same PC.

2. different completely isolated and protected OS operating environment as well as all applications and data installed in the above OS.

3. also interact with the different operations between the OS, including network, peripheral, file sharing, and copy and paste functions.

4. there are restored (the undo) function.

< p> 5 can be set at any time modify the operating system and operating environment, such as: memory, disk space, peripherals, etc.


it allows you run on a single PC at the same time multiple operating systems, you do not have to use it to restart the system, as long as the click of a mouse can open a new operating system or to switch between operating systems. Without the hard drive after installing the software re-zoning or recognition, it is possible to run multiple operating systems you have installed very smoothly, but also be able to use drag and drop to share files and applications between several virtual PC.

VirtualBox to VMware's advantage

(1) VirtualBox is free, open source, rather than VMware.

(2) VirtualBox small volume, the installation is complete, only about 60M, and after installation VMWare5,6 very large.

(3) VirtualBox virtual machine operating system installed in a manner to retain the hard disk, when the transfer system between different computers, need new virtual machine, and thereafter assign the original operating system resides hard disk, so you will not have network connectivity problems; and VMware virtual machine operating system directly on the virtual machine files were saved, but require a transfer between different computer systems, it will result in the original virtual machine operating system MAC wrong address, no network connection available in the new computer.

(4) VirtualBox installation is not as direct as VMWare virtual network adapter in the system, which brings great convenience for installation of our systems.

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