Home Technique Wang Keming

Wang Keming

Personal experience

In 1957, Wang Keming graduated from Wenzhou Middle School.

In April 1960, Wang Keming joined the Communist Party of China.

In 1961, Wang Keming graduated from the Second Department of Physics of Shandong University.

In 1978, Wang Keming took out preparatory students for studying abroad.

From 1980 to 1982, Wang Keming was a visiting scholar at the State University of New York at Albany and the University of Montreal in Canada.

In May 1991, Wang Keming was selected as a scientific member of the International Bom Physics Society for his contribution to the study of the range and dispersion of heavy ions in multiple targets.

In 1992, Wang Keming was awarded the title of "Young and Middle-aged Expert with Outstanding Contributions" by the Ministry of Personnel.

In 1993, Wang Keming was selected as a doctoral supervisor by the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council; in the same year, he visited the University of Albany as a senior visiting scholar.

In 2007, Wang Keming was elected an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

At 13:01 on July 20, 2013, Wang Keming passed away in Jinan at the age of 74.

Main Achievements

Scientific Achievements

Scientific Research Fields

Wang Keming in the research of ion beam photoelectric crystal material modification, he and he The leading research group systematically studied the optical waveguide structure and characteristics of oxide photoelectric crystals formed by ion implantation, and proposed new principles, new modes and new methods for forming optical waveguides with increased refractive index in the waveguide region; and proposed laser pulse deposition Method to prepare Er-doped KTP crystal waveguide laser film; systematically studied the range and damage distribution of heavy ions implanted into the photoelectric crystal, and developed an effective calculation method for the average projection range of heavy ions in the multi-element target and its dispersion.

Undertaking projects & achievement awards

Wang Keming successively presided over seven National Natural Science Foundation of China projects, including two key projects.

Academician Wang Keming served as the chairman of the 18th International Conference on Ion Beam Material Modification, the 2nd China-Korea Symposium on Advanced Information Functional Thin Films, and the 5th Asia-Europe Plasma Material Surface as the co-chair Convening of the International Conference on Modification.

In 1991, as the second person to complete the "Experimental and Theoretical Research on the Interaction of Energy-carrying Ions and Solid Materials", he won the first prize of Shandong Science and Technology Progress Award.

"The applied basic research on the interaction of particles and optoelectronic materials" won the second prize of the National Natural Science Award (first prize vacancy).

In 2001, "Research on Ion Implanted Optical Waveguides and Defects" won the first prize of the Chinese University Science and Technology Award (Natural Science Award) of the Ministry of Education; won four provincial and ministerial science and technology awards.

In 2005, Wang Keming as the person in charge completed the "Basic Research on the Interaction of Particles and Photoelectric Materials" and won the second prize of the National Natural Science Award.

Patents & Authorized Patent

Wang Keming has published more than 180 papers included in SCI. More than 170 papers have been included in "SCI", and 40 papers have an impact factor greater than 2. According to the "Statistical Results of Chinese Sci-tech Papers" published by the Information Research Institute of the Ministry of Science and Technology, 1990, 1994 and 1998 were ranked third, fifth and ninth in the number of SCI papers published in the country. As one of the guest editors, he edited three collections of international academic conference proceedings, which were published as special editions by the "SCI" ​​system journal.

Talent training

Wang Keming has trained 30 postgraduates and has 26 Ph.Ds. One of them won the National Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Award, and 3 won the Shandong Province Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Award. Five people received the Humboldt Research Scholarship in Germany and became Humboldt Scholars. Three others won the second prize of the 2005 National Natural Science Award.

Honorary Commendation

In 1991, Wang Keming won the first prize of Shandong Science and Technology Progress Award.

In 1992, Wang Keming was awarded the title of "Young and Middle-aged Expert with Outstanding Contributions" by the Ministry of Personnel of the People's Republic of China.

In 1993 and 1999, Wang Keming won the title of "Top Professional and Technical Talents in Shandong Province" twice.

In 1995, Wang Keming was rated as a model worker in the national education system.

In 1996, Wang Keming won the second prize of Shandong Science and Technology Progress Award.

In 2007, Wang Keming was awarded the title of "National Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Supervisor".

Social service

From 1994 to 1998, he served as the dean of the Department of Physics of Shandong University.

From 1998 to 2013, he served as the director of the Academic Committee of the Department of Physics, School of Physics and Microelectronics, and School of Physics of Shandong University.

From 2011 to 2013, he served as the director of the Academic Committee of Shandong University.

Academician Wang Keming also serves as the deputy director of the Academic Committee of the State Key Laboratory of Crystal Materials of Shandong University, a member of the Academic Committee of the State Key Laboratory of Nuclear Physics and Nuclear Technology of Peking University, a member of the Academic Committee of the Lanzhou Heavy Ion Accelerator National Laboratory and Director of the Accelerator Application Academic Committee, scientific member of the International Bom Physics Society; former member of the 4th and 5th Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council, member of the Disciplinary Review Group, member of the Chinese Physical Society, member of the Chinese Society of Nuclear Physics, and Chairman of the Shandong Physical Society.

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