Home Technique Westodo Harold Merman

Westodo Harold Merman

Synonym Meman general referring to the marrow Harold Merman


Merman is born in Los Angeles City, his father is an electronic engineer, in his juvenile era Get income by helping universities repair electronic equipment. Later, he was admitted to the University of Colorado Boulder division and got engineering physics in 1949. In 1951, he won a master's degree in electronics engineering from Stanford University. After 4 years, he went to Ph.D. . His doctoral thesis is the physical direction of the experiment, and the tutor is the Nobel Prize winner Willis Lam, which involves the fine structure of the helium atom spectrum in the microwave optical scale.

After graduation, he entered the Hughes aircraft company as a researcher. In 1958, Charles Had Town, made the world's first microwave edged edemon, which was inspired by their theory, and Rum decided to design a laser that emits visible light. But his supervisor opposes this study, so Merman has obtained $ 50,000 from the government from the government. His concentrator uses the artificial ruby ​​as a working medium, replacing the light bulb of the movie projector with the flash under its assistant Charlesasawa. On May 16, 1960, Merman used this device to produce pulse and dried light. On July 7, 1960 he ran this equipment at a press conference in Manhattan.

After 1962, he set up Korad and served as Chairman of the Board and the development of more laser equipment. After the acquisition of UnionCarbide, the company was acquired by UnionCarbide, he provided a laser advisory service in Mamanassociates. In 1972, he settled a company named laser video (LaservideoCorporation) with a vice president. It is designed to achieve large screen screening using a laser device. In 1976 after 3 years, he was employed in TRW Electronics, as a vice president.

May 5, 2007, Maman died in Vancouver due to mast cell hyperplasia.


Merman has obtained the Franklin Society, the American Physics Society, the Optics Society and the Israeli Wolf Foundation, Japan International Science and Technology Consortium. A number of awards. I have been nominated by the Nobel Award in 1984, I was selected. It is academician of the National Academy of Sciences and the National Institute of Technology, and many universities have awarded his honorary degree.

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