Home Technique Wisdom education

Wisdom education

Content Description

"Smart Education" The preparation of "Smart Education" is comprehensive, and the viewpoint is extrovive, and the graphic is superb, the view is combined, and the theory and the actual combination are combined. This book can be used for education managers and builders, industry associations, planning design units, construction units and industry companies, can also be used as reference materials for teachers and students related to colleges.

Book Catalog

Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Wisdom Education By

1.2 Smart Education Development Status

1.2.1 China Education Information Development History

1.2.2 China's Smart Education Development Status

1.2.3 Foreign Wisdom Education Development Status

Chapter 2 Wisdom Education Connotation

2. Wisdom Education Overview

2.1.1 Wisdom Education Basic Concept

2.1.2 Smart Education Basic Characteristics / P>

2.2.1 Wisdom Education

2.2.2 Wisdom Education Basic Content

2.3 Smart Education The meaning of building

2.4 Wisdom Education Typical Applications

Chapter 3 Smart Campus

3.1 Smart Campus Overview

3.1.1 Wisdom Campus Development By

3.1.2 Smart Campus Ideas

3.2.1 Smart Campus Construction System Composition

3.2.1 Smart Campus System

3.2.2 Smart Campus Basic Platform Design

3.3 Wisdom Campus Main Function Module Design

3.3.1 Wisdom Campus Function Design Main Principle

< P> 3.3.2 Wisdom Campus Main Function Module Design

3.4 The Planning and Design of Smart Campus Systems

3.4.1SOA Architecture Theory

3.4.2 Based on SOA architecture smart campus information platform overall frame

3.5 case analysis - Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications Wisdom Campus Construction Planning and Implementation

3.5.1 Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications Wisdom Campus Architecture

3.5.2 Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications Wisdom Campus Operation and Maintenance System

Chapter 4 Wisdom Virtual Lab

4.1 Cloud Computing Technology

4.1.1 Cloud Computing Concept

4.1.2 Cloud Computing Infrastructure Model

4.1.3 Cloud Computing Key Technology

4.1.4 Cloud Control For Infrastructure Service

4.2 Cloud Calculation Virtual Labs

4.2.1 Virtual Lab

4.2.2 Cloud Computing Technology in Virtual Laboratory /> (p (4.2.3 Virtual Lab Structure Frame Graph and Main Features Implementation

4.2.4 Virtual Labs Appointment and Usage Process

4.8 East China Normal University University Software College Virtual Lab Teaching System Solutions

Chapter 5 Smart Learning Platform

5.1 Banmen

5.1.1 Bentong Overview

5.1 .2 Transportation system overall architecture

5.2 Intelligent recording system

5.2.1 Intelligent recording system overview

5.2.2 intelligent recording system function

5.2.3 Intelligent Recording System Solution

5.3 Smart Mobile Learning System

5.3.1 Mobile Learning System Overview

5.3 .2 Mobile Learning System Function

5.3.3 Mobile Learning System Support Technology

5.3.4 Smart Mobile Learning System Solution

5.3.5 Wisdom Mobile Learning system architecture

5.3.6 Foreign M-Learning system case

5.4 e-link

5.4.1 E-Pack Overview

5.4 .2 E-Bao function

5.4.3 e-book package in the field of education

5.5 Remote Interactive Education Platform

5.5.1 Remote Interactive Education Platform Overview

5.5.2 Teaching Application of Remote Interactive Platform

5.5.3 Teaching Flow of Remote Interactive Platform

5.5.4 Remote Interactive Education Platform architecture

5.6 Multimedia classroom intelligent central control system

5.6.1 Central Control System Overview

5.6.2 Multimedia Classroom Intelligent Central Control System Design

5.7 Intelligent Microse Teaching System

5.7.1 Intelligent Weig Teaching System Overview

5.7.2 Basic Function of Intelligent Mini Teaching System

5.7.3 Architecture of Intelligent Microse Teaching System

5.7.4 Network-based Intelligent Microfit Teaching Systems

5.8 Wisdom Projection Display System

5.8.1 Projection Display Technology

5.8.2 Phantom Imaging Technology

5.8.3 Seamless Stitching Technology

5.9 Interactive Electronic Whiteboard System /> (p) Overview of Electronic White Plate Overview

5.9.2 Function of Interactive Electronic Whiteboard

5.9.3 Interactive Electronic Whiteboard System Design

< P> 5.9.4 Interactive White Board Working Principle

Chapter 6 Smart Library

6.1 Overview

6.2 Library RFID System

< P> 6.2.1RFID technology

6.2.2rfid library management system

6.3 case analysis - China University of Science and Technology Library RFID RF Technology Construction Project

6.3.1 Project Overview

6.3.2 Implementation Objective

6.3.3 System Design Principle

6.3.4 Library RFID Self-Service Whole Architecture Design

6.3.5 Basic Function Design

6.3.6 System Architecture Design

Chapter 7 Smart Education Resources Development

7.1 Wisdom Education Resource Overview

7.1.1 Principles of Education Resources Construction

7.1.2 Educational Resources Construction The Function of Educational Resources The Function

7.2 Smart Education Resource Development

7.2.1 Courseware Development

7.2.2 Education Website Development

7.2.3 Network Curriculum Development

8th Outlook for Smart Education

Appendix "National Middle School Education Reform and Development Plan" Contents Selection


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