Home Technique Wusong Railway

Wusong Railway


1872, the US vice consul in Shanghai Olivier Brad-upon-Avon has made "extraordinary road" built right, Wusong Road Company was founded.

1874 Nian 7 28, the British set up the Wusong Railway Company.

1874 December embankment project began.

1875 In July 2009, the roadbed project completed.

1875 Nian 12 20, locomotives, vehicles, rail and other road construction equipment arrived from England to Shanghai.

1876 Nian 1 20, started Wusong Railway, Shanghai Jiangwan segment to start laying.

1876 Nian 6 30, Shanghai Jiangwan to section opened to traffic.

1876 Nian 7 3, line officially opened.

1876 Nian 8 3 May, the Qing government - British consul-general in Shanghai Hua Mak requirements suspended Wusong Railway train.

1876 Nian 10 24, Shanghai Wusong opened to traffic.

1877 Nian 10 Yue 12 on the 20th, Wusong Railway train traveling last trip.

1877 Nian 12 18, railway tracks all been dismantled.

Line Parameters

Woosung Road light is a narrow-gauge railway, length of 14.5 km, the gauge width of 0.762 m. Roadbed width of about 4.6 m and 1 m high. Use of light rail weight 13 kg per meter, 1.4 meters long sleepers, a width of 15 cm.

Wusong Railway

equipment facilities

  • < b> bridgeWusong Railway

Wusong railway bridge along the route are wooden structure, wooden bridge across the river 15, 20 drainage culvert. Railway and road intersections other mostly provided with a flat cross-aisle, on both sides with the crossing guard fence, line crossing at about 50.

stations along

Wusong Railway was set up at the passenger boarding station 3, namely Shanghai Station, Jiangwan Station and Wusong station. Shanghai earlier this Henan Road Bridge station is located on the northern end, when it was "two ferry" River North (also known as "Iron Bridge" Hebei), to the east of the station and Sun Lujiazhai family home (now "Xitai li" RC jurisdiction) , north of Lu Jia fen Hill (now the "Iron Horse Market" around), the West is not Tsui Park (Guangdong businessmen Hsu private garden, this is a green street), this area was originally planted cotton fields. Station House wooden structure, a total of two, a box office, as a luggage room, duty room. Station platform built single-sided, about 50 meters long.


chips built after

June Tongzhi two years (July 1863), Shanghai 27 Matheson jointly to the imperial commissioner, governor of Jiangsu Li required the construction of the railway between Shanghai and Suzhou, Lee refused. Tongzhi four years, Shanghai's foreign businessmen organized a company, planning the construction of railways concession in Shanghai, was also the local authorities to stop it. Tongzhi five years, the British minister Ali in China country (R.Aicock) to come forward, excuse Huangpu River loading and unloading inconvenient, requiring in Shanghai to build a railway between the sea, but also by the Qing government zongli yamen (hereinafter referred to Yamen) of the Refuse. Followed by US Vice Consul in Shanghai Olivier Brad Avon (Oliverb Bradford) to initiate the construction of a narrow-gauge railroad from the Wusong pier to Shanghai, China agreed to without Tongzhi eleven years in the organization, "Wusong Road Company" sly He said to build a "common road" cheat Shanghai, Taiwan Shen Bingcheng permission. Shanghai Feng County Road station also ordered posted notices announcing "Wusong Road Company" have the right to build roads suitable for vehicular traffic.

Wusong Road Company (Woosung Road Co.) procurement of long 9.25 miles (14.88 km) and a width of 15 yards (13.7 meters) of land between Shanghai Wusong. Tongzhi years in February announced that it has access to land ownership and the right to build bridges, ditches, fencing and built for cars running down the road. Later, Wusong Road Company due to the shortage of funds, is to give another British businessman composition "Wusong Railway Company" (Woosung Railway Co.Ltd.), And the purchase of a considerable amount of land, the trim line roadbed. Railway companies in China representative for the Jardine Matheson. London Dixon (Mr.J.Dixon) and Jardine Matheson signed on the roadbed construction of a light rail contract, then road construction began. Tongzhi thirteen subgrade in November 2003 started the construction of a surface is still said to be unusual road, earthwork by local baojia contract, when up to about 2,000 workers, the first year of Guangxu (1875) June roadbed project completed .

construction process

Wusong Railway Company appointed Englishman Mary Morrison as Chief Engineer and Head. Mary ceremony worse than the first year of the Qing dynasty, December 12 (January 8, 1876) arrived in Shanghai. In the UK ordered locomotives, rail and other vehicles and road construction equipment also in the first year of Guangxu (1875) arrived in Shanghai early, and had requested China Customs duty-free imports, lied to "iron road vehicles for the use of" but He was rejected by local officials for failing to strictly curb, and later still secretly from the shore.

first year of Guangxu December 24 (January 20, 1876), Shanghai Jiangwan section to start laying. When laying Heaven Temple to the north area of ​​the first month twenty days two years Guangxu (February 14, 1876), the locomotive "pilot number" (Pioneer) began the trial, up to a thousand people to the concept of day. At that time Shanghai, Taiwan has been Feng Jun-light to take over. He read the Wusong Railway Company's application for tax exemption, and from the "Declaration" to see the content of reports, fully understand the attempt of the company.

28 years Guangxu first month (February 22, 1876), Feng Jun-light met British Consul Medhurst (Waltter Henry Medhurst), the British businessman unauthorized construction of the railway proposed questioned and asked to suspend building road, once properly re-week consultation Hing building. Medhurst promised to haul locomotive pause with a month, waiting for Beijing minister taught that. Comply with the Jardine Matheson surface parking for one month, the actual laying works as usual, less than a month he resumed driving.

Feng Jun-light situations detailed report ordered two Governor Jiang Shen Pao-chen, please consultative court Yamen representations to the British minister. February 26 Guangxu two years (21 March 1876), Shanghai, Taiwan Feng Jun-light official note British Consul Medhurst, British companies are not allowed to build good at Wusong railway and road conditions and report it clear note of Prime Minister yamen. Qing government repeatedly instructed the Minister of Shanghai, Taiwan and Southeast Asia notes the British consul parking, then Jardine Matheson actually ignored, road construction continues.

March 13 Guangxu two years (April 7, 1876), the Qing government Yamen on Wusong Railway thing again note the British Wade (Thomas Francis Wadt), please ordered the closure of British business . Wade Qianpai Chinese language is making Meihui Li (William Fredrick Mayers) to Shanghai Wusong Railway mediation matters. March 16 (April 10), Mei Huili first to Tianjin and the Northern Minister Li Zhili Governor met Lee proposed:. "Why not buy back the original value by the Chinese photo, another recruit Chinese businessmen shares contractors so ...... the foreign business with no capital will not, and China's sovereignty nor the loss, the law seems to co-existence. "Later Lee Jun-Feng wrote to light details of the case consultation report.

Two years Guangxu March 24 (April 18, 1876) Meihui Li and Feng Jun-light talks in Shanghai, Mei said that after the acquisition by the Chinese as the railway, still should pay the contractor for several years Jardine Feng strongly disagreed. Since the British "hijack Chinese everywhere, and more unreasonable," Suiba meeting.

Although the negotiations told pause, track-laying project continues, run in May ninth day two years Guangxu (June 30, 1876), Shanghai Jiangwan to section opened to traffic; leap May 12 (7 May 3), Riverside section of Shanghai Wusong railway official business.

Sino-British negotiations

Shanghai Jiangwan to the opening of business a month, June 14 Guangxu two years (August 3, 1876) in Jiangwan North train car interview He ran over and killed a pedestrian, news, villagers big anger, protests after another. Shanghai, Taiwan Feng Jun-light note again the British Consul Medhurst, please suspended its train. Prior to this, leap May 27 (July 18) have occurred in Wusong Railway workers Dushuai Tutsis Bay with fence and occupy the land of the villagers, scandal, was assaulted and injured two workers and Westerners . At that time just electrical company Tutsi Bo child riding over this, because all the people blocking the road, wounded with a pistol and a Chinese. So, Peng Feng Jun-light to dispatch center, together with the British investigation pot fence building event. Then on June 27 accident haul train collided with a passenger train took place. In the "incident" occurred in succession, "accident" of the situation, according to local officials through the management representations, July 12 (August 20) British Minister Wade make Shanghai the British consul turn ordered the British suspended the Wusong Railway train and stop railway reconstruction project.

July 23 the same year (10 September 1876), Li and Wade in Yantai consultation Dian Case, insert discuss Wusong Railway thing. Will be after August 18 (October 5), Wade send Meihui Li, Li Sheng faction, Zhu Feng Chao set fire to Shanghai in conjunction with both sides light, the Sino-British talks. For the first plum Zhongyinghezi do the same, following the Chinese want to buy is still owned by foreign suppliers responsible for managing, Sheng, which do not agree, in consultation many times without results.

September 1 (October 17), the two sides moved to Jiangning (now Nanjing) to continue talks, the Southern Commissioner Shen Pao-chen "explain" to the British representative, agreed to the buyout in September 8, entered into a "buy Wusong Railway clause" 10. To a large content: by the China Railway buyout, all lots rail, rolling stock and other items of China after the company bought out the former foreign suppliers of contractors not involved; the price is not paid in the previous year, is still allowed to handle foreign business passenger business, not allowed to handle cargo; railway land property value of the equipment, rolling stock and station house, the two sides jointly determine inventory. Bribe payment methods divided into three: a decision as soon as the price, pay a third of the railway company to perform the transfer of title deeds British consular custody; the first six months after the full payment, then pay the second 1/3 final when the third to the expiration of one year (calculated according to the Chinese lunar calendar) paid. The price is determined by the inventory buy silver 285 000 compliance level two. The allocation of the purchase price in Shanghai tariff income. So far, the long delay in the Wusong Railway disputes to be settled.

September 27 (November 12), in conjunction with Meihui Li Feng Jun-light and others on the "buy Wusong Railway clause" in Shanghai, the two sides signed stamped, armed as proof. October 16 (December 1), interrupted for several days to restore rail traffic Wusong business, formally announced Shanghai Wusong opened to traffic. Journey time 30 minutes.

redemption dismantle

Three years Guangxu September 14 (October 20, 1877), China Road redemption payments paid on time, Wusong railway official at 2 pm that day recovered. In the process of negotiations to close the road, the Qing government has repeatedly stated to "recover the self-management", Shanghai, Riverside, 145 Wusong three business people who had a joint public intrinsic Liangjiang governor "Please continue to apply quasi-rail", the Qing government set regardless. Thereafter Road Shanghai artisan ironworks ordered dismantling locomotive equipment, which in the storage tank to the plate. To November 14 (December 18), removal of all railway tracks.

Wusong Railway after the removal, the governor of Fujian and Taiwan political science DingRiChang Sonata quasi, the railroad tracks and other equipment shipped to Taiwan, intends to Taipei laying railway use, the inability to raise funds, road construction was shelved indefinitely, Kaohsiung Wusong railway transport to rail, also because falling rust rotten, then unbearable.

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