Home Technique Xilinji Town

Xilinji Town

Historical Procedure

Qing, belongs to Bitham General.

Xuandong's first year (1909), desert the river's total card official.

in 1914, desert the river setting the government.

1917, deserthe County.

in March 1947, it is incorporated into Hamu County, desert the river.

1950, the 5th region is renamed.

After 1960, a West Lily is set.

March 1973, Gu Lian District.

In May 1981, Deserthe County and set up West Town.

Administrative division

2011, Xilinji Town, 3 residents committees of Sunshine, Songyuan, Qiaodhao, Montenegro, 1 village committee.

In Oct 2019, Xilinji Town has 5 communities, 1 administrative village.

In Oct 2019, Xilinji Town underground is clear

Songyuan Community Xilinji Town

Sunshine community

bridge community < / p>

Mingyuan community

Montenegro Village

Gu Lianhe Open Air Coal Mine Community

Geographical Environment


Xilinji is located in the middle of the Mohe City, East and Tuqiang Town are adjacent to Tuqiang Town, the South and Tuqiang Town are connected to Fuk Hill Industrial Zone, West and Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, north and Arctic Town.

Xilinji Town

Topographic Landform

Town is located in the low mountain hills, the territory is high, the mountains are ups and downs, the village is vertical, the river network is dense, the terrain is complex, The mountain rings have a basin, the highest point Shuangmashan is located on top of the mountains of the Arctic Village, 712.7 meters above sea level; the lowest town government stationed in the mountain basin plain in the Dalin River and the old tide river intersection.


Xilinji Town is a cold temperature belt seasonal weather, the winter is long and cold, and the short night is long; the summer is briefly wet, and the night is short. Many years average temperature -5 ° C, the average temperature of January -28.5 ° C, extreme temperature - 48 ° C; July average temperature 18.6 ° C, extremely maximum temperature of 30 ° C. The year was 120 days old, and the frost-free year was 86 days. The annual average sunlight is 2417.2 hours. The annual average precipitation is 488.2 mm, and the rainfall is concentrated in January to August, and it is the dry season in May-June.


The river in Xilongji is a Heilongjiang basin. The main rivers have a volume of Murgon, the old tide river, the Dalin River, etc., the total length of the river is 1223 kilometers, the river network density 0.1 km / square kilometers; the largest river in the territory is a subsidiary river, from the southeast to the northwest, the annual average traffic is 86.5 cubic meters per second, the main tributary has the big forest river, the old river, etc.

Natural resources

Natural resources have proven to have gold, coal, iron, limestone, marble, etc., other natural resources; domestic forest coverage The rate is 90%. The main tree species is the Xing'an Rail Leaves, Baihua, Pinuspine, Spruce, etc., wild medicinal plants have more than 10 kinds of jaundice, ganoderma lucidum, and Sichu. Wild animals have 6 kinds of snow rabbits, purple, flying dragons.


According to the sixth national census statistics, 40,944 general population in Xilinji Town is 4,094; the total population, male 2,01,13, accounting for 19,731 women, accounting for 48.2%. In the total population, the Han nationality is mainly 39,473 people, accounting for 96.4%; there are 11 minorities including Mongolia, North Korea, Hui, Oroqon, a total of 1471 people, accounting for 3.6%.

In 2017, there were 28,762 resident populations in Xilinji.

In 2018, there were 39,306 household registration populations in Xilinji.



2005, there are 10 private enterprises in Xilinji, 884 individual industrial and commercial households, including 35 industrial, construction industry 3 Households, 205 transportation industry, wholesale and retail 190 households, 347 accommodation catering, 104 households. The total output value of township enterprises is 135 million yuan, with a profit of 6.1 million yuan, and the tax is 5.8 million yuan.

In 2017, there were 175 enterprises in Xilinji, 3,400 people in business, including 30 industrial enterprises, 5 larger scale;

2018, Xilinji Town The number of industrial enterprises is 30, five large-scale integrated stores or supermarkets with more than 50 square meters of operating area.

First Industry

Xilini Town cultivated area of ​​381 mu, can be used in the grass area of ​​0.4 million mu, the forest area is 9.123,000 mu. In 2011, the total agricultural output value was 41.25 million yuan, an increase of 11.7% over the previous year.

Second Industry

In 2011, the total output value of Western Town industrial output is 731.98 million yuan, down 7.7% over the previous year.

In 2011, there were 5 industrial enterprises above industrial enterprises, 1258 employees, and a reduction of 39.1% over the previous year.

Third industry

At the end of 2011, there is 931 commercial outlets in Xilini, 1248 employees.


Xilinji Town has formed a transportation network consisting of two transportation methods of railways and highways.

In 2011, the Railway Tennun Line passed through the territory of Xilinji, a two-track standard railway, and the river station, and there were 3 secondary trains, which can lead to Qiqihar, Harbin and other places; provincial road The demon road transit, two-way 2 lanes, to the Northern Polar Town, Southern Gagdaqi, Qiqihar, etc. 4, 41.5 kilometers of the county and township (town) level; 6 passenger cars, 6 vehicles, 40 seats per vehicle.

Social career

Cultural business

in 1991, Xilini Town has a cinema, TV station, cultural museum, library, and archives each.

2005, Xilini Town has 1 propaganda culture center, TV station, cultural museum, library, and archives.

In 2011, there is a cultural station in Xilinji, 300 square meters of construction area; 1 public book room, 840 square meters of construction area, more than 60,000 books; 96 cultural industry practitioners.

Education business

In 1991, 2 kindergartens in Xilinji Town, 560 in the park, 28 faculty members; 9 primary schools, 3109 students, faculty workers 251 people; 3 in Junior High School, 2061 students, 216 faculty workers; high schools, 380 students, 65 faculty workers.

2005, there are 2 kindergartens in Xilinji, 511 in the park, 79 faculty members; 2,963 students in the school, 271 faculty students; 27 junior high school, school students 1659 People, 197 faculty members; 1 high school, 817 students, 123 faculty workers.

In 2011, there are 2 kindergartens in Xilinji, 511 in the park, 79 specialized teachers; 255 primary schools, 37 specialized teachers, 37 children, children's people's humanology %; 3, 387 students, 303 people, 303 teachers, 99% of the junior high school age-age, 1 general high school, 1234 students, 68 specialized teachers.

Medical and health

At the end of 2011, 21 of the various types of medical and health institutions at all levels in Xilinji; 249 beds, 6 per three. 267 professional health staff, with a average of 7 health technicians. In 2011, the medical institution completed 12,100 diagnosis and treatment.

Radio and TV

2011, Xilini Town broadcast comprehensive coverage rate is 100%; 44 TV channels such as CCTV and Heilongjiang News are settled locally, and there are 6401 TV users. , TV integrated coverage is 100%.

Social security

In 2011, the minimum number of households in the town of Xilinji, 3,611 people were 361.63 million, an increase of 25% over the previous year, monthly per capita 245 Yuan; urban medical rescue 235, the civil affairs department funded 45 people in cooperative medical treatment, with a total of 0.19 million yuan; urban life did not rescue 312 people, with an expenditure of 120,100 yuan, an increase of 23% over the previous year.


In 2011, there is 5 postal outlets in Xilinji. The total length of the delivery route is 15 kilometers, 3 delivery points, 100% of the rural articles; Delivery of 250,000 domestic letters, business income is 35.16 million yuan. 1 telecommunications company, 6 service outlets; 5281 fixed telephone users, 6256 mobile phone users; 4010 broadband access users, add 459 compared to the previous year.

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